Chapter Twenty One

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She knew what he wanted to talk about. She's been pushing him away and avoiding the topic all together but even she knows she can't run away from this forever. "Yeah okay." She said as she began to walk around him and to the couch. Yet she couldn't help but think of the past. The last time he told her that they needed to talk he walked away from her.

He watched as she sighed in defeat as she made her way to the couch. He was confused at first, ready to argue about it but for once she didn't flee the conversation or avoid it all together. She just looked defeated, a look he didn't like on her face. It was the same look she had on her face when they broke up, when he left her, when he walked away. Paul hated that look on her face.

"Well?" She questioned him once she saw him standing in the same place, frozen, thinking.

"Yeah. Right." He muttered as he scratched the back of his neck and made his way to her. He didn't realize that he just stood there with a blank face as he was thinking about the past much like she was.

"So?" She asked Paul not looking at him.

"How are you doing?" He asked her in defeat.

She chuckled as he asked that. "You say we need to talk and you ask me how I'm doing? I'm fine Paul."

"Then why won't you look at me when you answer?" He asked her noticing the lack of eye contact on her part.

"Because you know if I do the dam will break." She told him as she finally looked at him with teary eyes.

He was quick to hug her and embrace her as he felt the dam break before him. She was breaking and so was he. They were both trying to keep the pieces together but soon every wolf and every supernatural being heard her. Heard the high pitch cry of the banshee, heard her finally cry for the child she lost and Paul being the closest to her couldn't take it and cried himself. He couldn't handle the high pitch cry she was producing, he was feeling the same way she was. They didn't need words to know what they were feeling in that moment because in that moment, embracing each other they both felt it.


They've known each other for so long and have been together for a while to know what the other was feeling and thinking. Becoming supernatural themselves only amplified what they were feeling, what they were truly feeling, they couldn't hide it. The other wolves began to howl, trying to comfort her cries from afar. She felt more at ease with Paul and hearing the wolves howl for her.

"What she said wasn't true." He began as he hugged her tighter. Even though she didn't need him to say it, he still reassured her.

She pulled away from him but never let him go. She looked in his eyes for any signs of deceit but there were none. He was telling her the truth and she knew that but she still felt like it was her fault and her sister saying it, validated it for her but hearing him reassure her that it wasn't made her more confident with letting go.

"I know." She told him as he brought his hand to her cheek to wipe off the falling tears. She looked at him like she did a million times but this time when she looked at him she saw herself letting go of everything. So when she looked at him she finally told him what has been on her mind. "Angel" she told him. It was simple. A name. A meaning. A feeling.

"What" he stuttered out.

"Angel" she said again.

"I don— I don't get it." He told her.

"Her name." Serena said. "Her name is Angel."

"You named her." He said in realization with a soft smile.

"Yeah. I thought it was fitting." She continued as she brought her head down on his shoulder. "We'll have someone to look after us just like an"

"Angel" they said in unison before she fell asleep.

He felt the grip she had on him lessen indicating she fell asleep. He brought his arm under her knees and carried her to her bed once again but this time as she stopped him before he left the room. She grabbed a hold of his arm and whispered "Stay" and he did. He climbed into bed with her, laid on his back not wanting to over step his boundaries with her. Serena rolled over and laid on top of his chest and he brought the hand that was under his head and laid it on top of her back.

Paul however wanted to try something. Something that pertained to her abilities, he wanted to know how deep into her subconscious she had to be for it work since she wasn't aware of it yet. So he brought her hand in his and brought it to his own cheek and closed his eyes.

And when he reopened his eyes he was at he beach again. He looked around and that's when he saw her. The same little girl he saw from before run past him with a white colored wolf running beside her. They were playing. Until the white wolf locked eyes with Paul and he watched as he made his way to him. Paul watched as the white wolf bowed his head down in a way of saying thank you for watching and protecting Serena and in return Paul bowed his own head down saying thank you for watching over their Angel.

The white wolf then walked off back to Angel as they began to play again. Paul walked off again began to roam and wander around the beach. He was looking for her, for Serena. It felt like hours searching for her that was until he felt a heavy hand grab a hold of his shoulder.

It was the white wolf, the shapeshifter, carrying his Angel in his hands.

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