Authors Note

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Hello my fellow readers. I am sorry to finally make a post and it not be Chapter Update however I am writing to inform you that this book will be put on hold until further notice. I am currently trying to finish writing Chapter 34 however every time I get to writing it the events that I want to happen just don't make sense and I end up shutting down and pushing it to the side until I can come up with something that does make sense.

I have a good amount written but I'm just not happy with how this chapter is turning out. I'm trying to give the chapter a good ending but it wont make sense unless I change Chapter 33 and I am trying my hardest not to do that. For the most part the beginning is and middle is written but the ending isn't coming together as I'd hope so now I have to either rewrite the entire chapter which is what I'm thinking I'll do but I'm still not sure. I am indecisive about which is why I have not posted an updated chapter. I feel like I can't continue unless I have this chapter completed so unfortunately I am putting this book on hold until I get this chapter finished and have a few other chapters I can post as well.

This book isn't ending yet and I will continue this story. This is just a writers block that I will eventually get over. When I do have this chapter written I will let you all know and when I will start posting again. I want to again thank you for following along with my story as it is still continuing and growing.

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