Chapter Forty Two

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Serena awoke on the shore, flat on her back, in her white summer dress. She awoke gasping for the air she desperately needed to fill her lungs with as her hand instantly reached for her neck as if it would help fill her lungs. As she arose to her feet, she looked around and saw herself alone with nothing but the still raging sea, the sky was still cloudy as the moment she fell in. Serena was beginning to back away from the sea in fear until she saw her angel running towards it.

"NO! STOP!" Serena yelled out until she was running after her to grab ahold of her hand to get her to stop running.

"But..." The little girl began to stutter out but was immediately interrupted by Serena.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is to go out there right now." She told her sternly as she took a hold of her arms firmly. Serena could see the tears start to well in her little girls eyes as soon as she started yelling at her and as soon as she started to see the tears she brought her into a loving embrace.

"You're scared." Angel stated as she could feel her mother tremble in her embrace. "Don't be." She continued as she looked at the raging sea. "You don't have to be afraid here." Angel finished as she let go of her mother and went to hold her mother's hand. Serena watched in confusion as Angel took a hold of her hand, she was guiding her towards the sea, towards the raging sea. As she was guiding her, they stopped where the sea met the sand and held her hand out. "You can change it."

Serena listened, she closed her eyes and calmed her heart. She took a deep breath and as she opened her eyes the sea was calm. "How did I..." Serena started but was interrupted.

"Change it?" Angel finished for her but was interrupted by a new voice.

"When your mind is not calm, the sea is not calm. Here, the sea is a reflection of your mind." The white wolf stated as he came and sat beside her.

Serena was at a loss for words as the white wolf spoke. She didn't want to tarnish this place with such negativity. "You said to avoid the sea when she's angry and I swear I didn't mean to get so close but Bella..." Serena jumped to apologize to the white wolf as he sat seated and shaking his head in disapproval.

"This is not your fault child." He started. "You are not in control of who gets to live and who dies." He continued as he began to get up and walk towards Angel. "However if you hone your abilities better, you can save more than one." He finished as he began to walk away from her with Angel by his side.

"I NEED TO HONE IT NOW!" Serena demanded.

"You aren't ready." He answered back sternly. "When you learn to open your heart to your ability, then and only then will you be ready."

"And how do I open my heart?" She asked.

"I cannot answer that for you but I will tell you that you need to let go of being scared and let it flow through you like a river." He started as he turned around to face her. "How you open your heart is up to you, once you learn who you are." He finished as he began walking away from her again only this time not turning back.

"COME BACK HERE!" She screamed out to the white wolf unsatisfied with his answer as the sea raged on again. She was frustrated and angry, disappointed and discouraged. She wanted to know how to protect everyone, no she needed to know how to do that because if she was truly being honest with herself she was getting tired of just predicting death, she wanted to prevent it as well.

Serena turned around to face the raging sea, closing her eyes to calm her heart once more however this time because she was in a state of frustration, it did not calm down like it did earlier, however her thoughts were interrupted by a new voice she never thought she'd hear again.

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