Chapter Thirty One

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Lena stared at the paperwork her sister handed to her with a shocked expression on her face. "You want to change it to this?" She asked her sister.

"I mean yeah, it's what we talked about." Serena answered with a shrug of her shoulders as she was watching her sister look over the new name. She was worried Lena wasn't going to like it or even approve of the new change.

Lena looked over the document but she decided to make a change of her own. Everyone watched as she wrote on it yet no one could see what she was changing it too. "Here" she said as she handed the document back to her older sister.

"Are you sure?" Serena asked her as she looked it over, making sure this is what she wanted.

"Yeah." she replied as she looked at everyone in the room. "I'm sure." She finished. "Besides I can change it back later." She added with a shrug.

"I'll send it in right away." She replied with a smile on her face.

"What else is there?" Lena asked as she looked at the other papers that were gathered on the table.

"Menu changes and a new design." Serena answered her. "But we can talk about that in the morning." She quickly added when she saw the tired look in her sisters eyes.

"You're coming back?" Lena questioned hopefully.

"Yeah." She nodded with a smile as she was rubbing her head before looking at Emily. "If that's okay with you?"

"That's alright with me." She said with a smile as well. She loved that the sisters were talking again, she missed it and so did everyone else in the room that watched them talk business.

"What's wrong?" Lena asked her older sister once she noticed her rubbing her head as if trying to avoid a headache from forming. Her question caught the attention of every wolf in the room, especially Pauls.

They watched as she stumbled around the kitchen table trying to grip onto something. She couldn't quite hear what they were saying, hearing to many voices at once was giving her a headache. Paul caught her as she stumbled forward but what he didn't expect was to feel her burning skin. The wolves could hear her erratic heartbeat like she's been running. "Are you seriously getting sick already? We weren't even out all night." Paul joked as he put his hand to her forehead but in response she only shook her head.

"Guys she's really hot." Embry said once he felt her head too but not before hearing a growl from Paul for being so close to her and touching her forehead. Despite being Paul's imprint, he was still worried about her. They were still friends as far as he knew and Paul can't take that away from her because they knew each other longer.

"Make it stop." Serena whispered as she put her hands on her ears.

"Guys her heart." Jared told them as they all heard how fast an erratic her heart began.

"It's too loud." She told them.

"What is?" Sam asked her sternly.

"The voices." She answered him as her breathing became labored.

The voices were becoming louder and louder as her body was becoming more and more overheated. "Is she going to be okay?" Lena asked as everyone was checking on her sister.

"She's burning up like she's going to phase." Jared spoke again as he felt her head this time.

"We need to get her in a bath of cold water." Emily said frantically.

"I've never heard of a girl phasing before." Sam spoke aloud.

"Maybe it's not her but someone else." Lena said as she looked at the rest of papers that her older sister had.

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