Chapter Fifteen

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She couldn't believe her eyes. She predicted more death as a child than she did now even if she didn't have control. As she continued to look around with tears in her eyes, one drawing caught her attention. She picked it up and stared at it as she sobbed and sank to he floor. It was like she was transported to that very moment.

"What are you drawing honey?" Mia asked her daughter who looked very concentrated on her drawing.

"I don't know mommy but it just came to me." Serena told her mother as she looked back at her drawing and continued. "It came to me like how things come to you." She finished as her mother yanked the drawing away from her and looked at it.

Mia couldn't believe what she saw. Those red, cold eyes. She could never forget those haunting eyes. Their hand wrapped around a throat, biting into it.

"Why are you crying mommy?" Serena asked once she noticed her mother's sad face.

"It's nothing. I just love you so much" Mia told her as she hugged her tightly.

"Mommy you're squishing me" Serena told her as she felt her mother let go of her. Mia just watched as she ran to Lena who was calling for her sister. She watched them run outside and play without a care in the world as she stared back at the picture.

She couldn't believe her own daughter had predicted her death. That's when she knew just how strong Serena actually was, to be able to predict death years from now. But great power doesn't come without great enemies. If word got out about her ability to predict death, the wrong people could come after her.

"She's getting stronger, isn't she?" A voice came from the back door as he made his way to Mia. As soon as he got to her he wrapped his arms around her as he sensed how worried she was.

"The control she has right now, wont last." She told him with tears in her eyes.

"What makes you say that? I give her great control." He boasted without noticing the tears that welded in his wife's eyes. "The wolves will protect her, if I'm not able to. She has the wolves and the wolves will have her." He said more seriously as he turned his wife to face him. His face softened when he saw the tears that finally slipped down her cheeks. He didn't understand why she was crying until he looked at what she was holding in her hands. A drawing that his daughter did.

"She didn't just predict mine. She predicted yours to." Mia finally spoke as she showed him the car crash he would soon be in with his daughter.

The couple then looked out the window to where the sibling were playing out front. Both sisters we running around trying to catch each other without a care in the world, without knowing the real danger that has yet to unfold.

Serena couldn't help but cry out. Her mother know. She predicted her mothers and fathers death years before it actually happened. When her crying turned into quiet sobbing, she was begging to stack the papers when she had a feeling, the same feeling that came with death.

Back at Emily's house Sam had walked in from his patrol. He greeted her as he kissed her lips and then proceeded to kiss the rest of her face starting with her scars. Sam then noticed the look on her face.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"It's Serena" She told him. "And Lena" She continued as she looked up to the room above them where Lena was currently sleeping. Emily then took his hand and guided him to the couch to sit down and talk. "What's going on?" He asked as he sat down.

"Serena came by here. Asked if Lena could stay here for a while. Honestly it was all blur. She had this look in her eyes, the same look you had when I got hurt." He knew what she meant by that. He was scared to look at her and stayed away from her to protect her. "She didn't say anything about coming back but I know there is more to the story. I'm sure Serena is doing what she thinks is right for Lena but I think she's doing this to protect her from herself."

"Serena thinks she's a danger to Lena, that's why she left her here." Sam said as he processed what Emily was telling him. Just as he was going to continue a tiny voice interrupted him.

"It's my fault." Lena said with tears in her eyes again as Sam walked over to her and lifted her up so she could sit in his lap on the couch as she continued. "I said something I didn't mean. I blamed her for everything and she left me here. It's all my fault Sam" Lena finished as she buried her head in his chest as she cried.

"Shhh it's okay. I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it. She's just doing this to protect you. Once she learns control, shell come back you'll see. I promise." He told her as Paul came in.

"You can't promise that Sam." Lena told him as she looked up at him and noticed Paul walking towards her. She watched as he bent down towards her.

"But I can." He told her as he held his pinky up for her to grab. Sam watched the two in front of him. He didn't realize how much Paul meant to her until right now. As he watched Lena grab his pinky with her own. "Come on lets get some food in you" he told her as he picked her up from Sam's lap and walked to the kitchen. Now normally Emily would be opposed to anyone in her kitchen but she just watched as Paul made his way to make something for Lena to eat. Sam and Emily both watched in awe, they couldn't believe that they were witnessing the soft side of Paul. He was always a hot head with a bad temper. I guess the rumors were true when they found out that Serena had mellowed him out when they were dating.

After a quick dinner meal, Lena fell asleep in Paul's arms, oddly enough her sister was right, the wolves would protect her, she felt safe as she fell asleep in his arms.

I guess this is how she feels when she's with the wolves. Safe. She thought as she let herself go into darkness. Paul took her to her room and walked back to where Sam and Emily were.

"I'll go find Serena. She shouldn't be alone." He told Sam.

"I think it's time you tell her. She needs to know, it'll help her not feel like she's a danger to everyone." Sam responded as he watched Paul leave to find his imprint.

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