Chapter Eleven

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Four days passed and preparations were made for the funeral. Serena and Lena have been staying at Emily's until the funeral. Lena hasn't been able to sleep on her own, hasn't been able to really leave her sisters side for that matter not that Serena cared, she was still shaken up herself. Every time she would close her eyes she would see her mom dying over and over again. Paul would be there to try and comfort her every time she woke from that horrible memory and each time she would push him away and as he would make his way out the room he would sit in front of her door until it was his time to patrol not that she knew that though. She didn't understand why he was so persistent. Maybe it had to do with the imprint bond, him wanting to protect her but he still hasn't told her.

"You can stay here, if you like, you and your sister?" Sam said as he was leaning against the doorframe as she stared at herself in the black dress.

"No." She told him as she looked at him in the mirror she was standing in front of. "Thanks Sam but no. We need to get back to..." she sighed heavily. "My dad left us a house, it's actually near here, I've been there once before Lena was born. Mom left everything to me. The diner, both houses. She left me in charge of everything."

"You don't have to do this alone, you know?" Sam stated as walked further into the room and stared out the window that she was staring out of.

"Why because I have the wolves?" She told him as she watched Lena with Paul. This was the first time Lena was actually with someone other than her. And Serena didn't worry, she knew Paul would protect her, Paul loved Lena just as much as Serena did, he protected her like she was his own little sister.

"Because you have him." Sam told her as he finally looked at her.

When she looked at him, he was already staring at her. She then looked back out the window to catch Paul staring at her too and all she did was back away from the window.

"She's scared you know" Lena told Paul as she watched him stare at her sister who backed away from the window.

"What?" Paul asked in confusion.

"Serena. She's scared to let you back in." She said as she looked in the direction of her sister. "So just don't." She finished as she began to walk back inside the house.

"Don't what?" He yelled after her.

"Leave. Don't leave even when she pushes you away. Push back." She told him looking over her shoulder.

"You ready?" Serena asked her sister as she entered the room they were sharing.

"No" Lena said in a whisper.

"Me either" her sister replied back to her as she walked up to her and kneeled in front of her. Serena brushed some of Lena's hair out of her face and behind her ear as her other hand hooked their pinkies together. "We don't have to stay the whole time okay. We can leave early. I plan to anyways."

"Together" Lena told Serena as she looked at their intertwined pinkies.

"Together" Serena promised her.

Once they arrived at the funeral everyone stared at the siblings. They were the center of the attention now. As everyone stared at them as they both began to feel uncomfortable. Lena hid behind her sister as she grabbed her hand. Serena stood their scared to move, just then Paul came up next to her and grabbed her hand. Squeezed it a couple time to let her know that she was there with him. She looked at him as she squeezed back and let him lead her to where they were going to sit.

"Thanks" was all she said as she let go of his hand and took her seat. Everyone else then took their seat as it started to begin.

It went by smoothly until it was time for her eulogy. She stood up at the podium in front of everyone and looked at at her sister. "Thank you for coming." She spoke aloud. Her voice still shaken. "We are here to honor not only a well respected member of the tribe but a wife and a mother as well. I never understood why my mom put so much effort into the diner, she practically lived there. But now I understand why as I look at everyone here. The diner wasn't just a place to order food. It was a place to come together. A place to feel welcomed and warm, she made everyone she came across feel like that. No matter what happened you'd have a place in the diner, especially when you'd feel lost." Just then she made eye contact with with Jacob. And all her anger started up again. She gripped the podium until her knuckles turned white. As she tried to continue but then the voices were in her ear again. And she needed to drown them out. The wolves were to far for her to give her some sort of ease as they stood in the back. "She wouldn't want us to dwell on her death. She would want us to continue to come together and not just in a time of need." She finished as she stepped away and sat back with her sister.

The voices were getting louder and louder as time went on. People were coming up to her giving her their condolences and Lena was getting more and more uncomfortable. As Jacob began to make his way towards her she picked up Lena and headed towards her car. She could handle everyone else but not him. Not today. So she headed to the one place she could feel at peace. La push beach.

"I thought I'd find you here" she heard the voice she dreaded to hear. As she heard their foot steps come closer and closer.

"Go away Jacob." She told him as she watched her sister avoid getting wet as she ran away from the water as it would recede for the shore.

"Seriously gonna ignore me? Especially today?" Jacob asked kind of hurt and annoyed she was being like his. She used to be his best friend. So why.

"Seriously leave me alone. Especially today." She said as she finally looked at him. She wasn't hurt. She was angry and anyone who knew her could see it in her eyes.

"God you're still angry aren't you." He told her. It wasn't even a question. And more of a statement.

"It has everything to do with that! My mother would still be alive if...." She yelled finally. Catching her sisters attention. "It's not just a stupid story! You wouldn't understand!"

"I can't believe you actually believe in it!" He yelled back as she backed away from him. "It's a stupid story we were told as kids to scare us!"

"It's not just a stupid story!" She yelled trying to control the volume of her voice.

"How stupid can you be to actually believe it!" He spat back.

Just as she was about scream a hand covered her mouth. "That's enough" the voice spoke as she looked up to see Paul glaring at Jacob. She couldn't understand why he was so protective over her but she was glad he was there.

She heard him scoff as she looked back at him "of course" he said looking between Paul and Serena and then began to walk away.

They both watched him walk away as Paul removed his hand from her mouth. Just then Lena ran up to Serena and hugged her. She hated seeing her yell, hated to see her upset.

"It's getting worse isn't it." Lena told her sister.

"What is?" Paul asked looking between the two siblings

"Her headache. She had since the funeral." Lena told him

"Rena what do you hear?" He questioned her using her nickname.

"I don't." She began as she was shaking her head. "I don't know. It's all just mumbling but it's more dangerous than before now. I feel like there's more death to come." She finished as she looked out to the ocean.

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