Chapter Thirty Five

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"What's even wrong with her?" Jacob asked aloud once he noticed how she was staring at the radio that wasn't making a sound.

At his question the other wolves in the room turned to her. Paul let go of her hand as she started moving towards the radio. It was like the diner all over again when she heard the static coming from it even though it was playing fine only this time it wasn't on at all.

"You don't hear that?" She questioned whoever was listening.

"Hear what?" Jacob asked her annoyed.

"What do you hear?" Sam asked more sternly ignoring Jacob.

They all watched as Serena crouched down to be at the same level as the radio. Paul however moved towards her and grabbed her face so she was staring at him.

"Serena, what do you hear." Paul asked her softly. He could see the tears forming in her eyes as she grabbed his wrists that held her face.

"Water" she whispered to him. "I hear water like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff."

"Are you serious right now?" Jacob said in disbelief because he didn't understand why they all tensed up to hear what she had to say.

Serena was then aware of her actions as she looked back at Jacob who stared at her like she was weird, like she was a freak in a circus. She wanted to shrink back into herself with just one look, she wanted to hide from everything and everyone with just one look. Paul could feel her hands shaking while still holding onto his wrists that once held her face, even he could tell she wanted to disappear with the look her face held but before anyone could say anything else they all heard a scream. All the wolves winced but Jacob, he didn't just wince, no he covered his ears like they screamed right in his ear since this was the first time he ever heard the scream of a banshee since he first shifted.

"Lena." Serena whispered out as she let go of Paul and immediately ran up the stairs to get to her sister with all the wolves including Jacob to follow. Serena ran in and wrapped her arms around Lena in an instant while Lena began to sob into her sister's arms. Lena was clutching onto her sister like she was going to disappear like she did back in the woods the day their mother died. The wolves looked around the room that was once empty with just a simple bed and dresser that was now covered in drawings from Lena.

Both Sam and Paul picked up a drawing from the floor, one drawn by Lena and the other by Serena. Paul noticed her drawing from all the business papers that were on the floor. Sam and Paul both held up the drawing and noticed how it was the same drawing from the sisters, they both drew a girl standing at the edge of a cliff, the sky scattered with grey clouds, and the raging sea below her. The other wolves saw the identical drawings as they looked back at the sisters who were having their own conversation.

"I don't remember." Lena began to tell her sister as she began to shake her head. "I don't remember drawing those." She kept telling her.

"I know." Serena told her baby sister as she began to grab her sister's face in her hands to get her to stop shaking her head. "I know okay. It's okay." She told her as she started to move some of her hair out of Lena's face and behind her ear.

"What the hell was that?" Jacob asked astonished at what he had just experienced. Never has he ever heard such a scream before aside Freon when it happened in the meadow but he was so focused on ripping the vampire apart that he hardly noticed it. His question relieved the room of its silence and ceased the conversation between the sisters who were now staring at him.

Serena who was still crouching in front of her sister turned back to Lena who was now hyper aware of all the people in the room. She was going to start to panic when she felt Serena's hands on her face forcing her to look at her, to focus solely on her. "Hey no, eyes on me."
She whispered to her while Lena could only nod in response.

"What are you?" He questioned in agitation because his questions were going unanswered.

Serena all but turned her head to the side as she answered him. "Banshees." Her answer was short and cold.

"The wailing woman from the stories." He concluded.

"Paul." Serena beckoned him with a tilt of her head as he began to walk towards the sisters.

"Take her back to the house." She instructed him as he bent down to grab her only for Lena to protest.

"I'll be there in a bit, you'll be more relaxed." She told her as she moved to stand so Paul could pick her up. Everyone in the room watched as Paul picked her up and noticed how Lena visibly relaxed to his touch, the touch from a wolf.

"I got her." He told his imprint to reassure her as Serena nodded in response.

"In a journal my mom kept from my great grandmother." Serena started to say when Paul left with her sister. "She wrote that generations before her there were only ever one banshee around a wolf pack never two in the same tribe."

"What does that mean?" Jared interrupted her.

"The fact that Lena is starting to scream regardless of me being around means it's more dangerous now." She finished as she looked at Jacob who has been quiet since he found out what the sisters were. "What Sam says goes, not a word." She told Jacob as she looked back at the Alpha nodding in his direction an indication that she respects his decisions.

"Walk her home." The alpha told Jared who happily obliged wanting to get away from the tense atmosphere.

As she made her way out of the door beginning her walk home she noticed Jared fall into step with her. She knew Sam wouldn't let her walk home alone but like Jared she had to get away from how tense it was in there. "You okay?" Jared asked when they were further away from the pack house.

"Yeah." She responded quickly.

"You're a terrible liar you know that." He told her, using her own words against her but stopped walking when she did. He watched her as she looked up to the night sky before really answering him. It was like she was trying to calm her racing heart, trying to find the peace in the quiet of the night.

"You should spend more time with Kim." Serena told him still not making eye contact but as soon as Kims name was mentioned he was on high alert. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts about Kim that he failed to notice that Serena continued to walk again, leaving him frustrated that she didn't continue.

"Hey!" He yelled at her to get her attention but she just continued to walk until he grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "You can't just tell me that and then walk off like nothing. You know I may not have known you long enough like Paul has and you may be his imprint but if you know something and you're not saying anything and another imprint gets hurt because of it, it's on you." He told her but to be completely honest he didn't mean to sound so harsh as he spoke to her but at the same time she had mentioned an imprint and every instinct was to keep her safe.

"Sorry." She apologized to him once she saw the anger yet scared look in his eyes but as she was holding eye contact with Jared he finally noticed the scared look in her eyes as well.

"What else is there?" He asked her in a more soft tone.

She looked behind her feeling scared, like a child scared of the dark, or the monsters hiding under their bed. And he could see he, sense it and he was pretty sure Paul could too as well. "When Bella finds out and she will find out." She began to tell him as she held eye contact with him. Jared didn't dare interrupt her, eyes glossy as she spoke, and barely above a whisper like she wasn't supposed to tell say anything. "Someone else is going to die and I don't know who but I can tell you it's going to happen soon." She finished tell him as she began to walk towards her house again.

Jared wanted to ask her many questions but he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to ask anything so he let the silence fall between them until they arrived at her house where she had thanked him. He was about to walk away until he felt her grab his wrist stopping him. "Tell Sam I'll be there in the morning." Serena told him as he nodded at her in understanding. The tone in her voice was stern and he knew she meant that she needed to talk to Sam, to the alpha.

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