Chapter Nine

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The next morning after everyone woke up no one spoke a word about waking up in their mothers bed. No one said anything and it stayed that way. Breakfast wasn't awkward, everything went on like normal.

As Serena was dropping off her sister at school she said "I'll see you at the diner, moms picking you up."

"Okay" was all she said as she closed her door.

As soon as she got to school Quil was bombarding her with questions. "Have you seen Embry? He hasn't answered any of my calls. I was told he had mano but I think that's a total lie. I swear I think I saw him with Sam. And are you okay? Haven't seen you around here either." He asked her as they made their way to her locker.

"I haven't seen him and when I called, Old Quil said he had mano too. I can ask Sam if I see him around the diner. Sometimes he comes around. And as for me... I'm feeling better. Had the stomach flu but I'm better now. Lena wouldn't have let me come back if I wasn't." She said with a small laugh. Just then the bell rang. They both groaned as they hugged each other goodbye. She hasn't spoken to Jacob since they had their argument and she didn't want to either.

By the time she made it to her math class she saw finally saw Jared. It was like he was avoiding her and was succeeding until math. He didn't want her to question him about Embry. He was a horrible liar and they both knew it.

"Hey" she said with a small wave as she made her way to her seat and all jared did was stay silent as he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

She sighed and took her seat and as always she didn't pay attention to the teacher. She was drawing again. And as always it caught Jared attention. She was drawing a grey wolf. Paul's wolf not that she knew that though only Jared did. Then she started drawing all of the wolves. Jared's, Sam's, Embry's. And two new wolves he's never seen before.

"He's with you guys now. Right?" She asked not turning around to face him.

He was confused at first until he realized she was talking about Embry. "No. He has mano." he told her as he heard her sigh heavily

"Well, at least you're story is straight but you're still a terrible liar Jared so please stop lying." She said with sadness in her voice. "It was the same with you. You stopped coming to school for a week, used the same lame excuse of mano. Then you were seen with Sam. Same thing goes for Paul. He left me, dropped out of school, I was told mano. But that would mean I would have it too but I didn't and that means he would've cheated on me, and I know him. He wouldn't do that. Not to me. And was then seen with you and Sam. So I'm gonna ask again. Is he with you guys or not?" She asked with hope in his voice.

He wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to tell her yes and that we was okay but he couldn't. He couldn't defy his alphas orders. So again he said "No" As class ended. He watched as she gathered her things and walked away.

He caught up to her as she made it to her locker. Just as he was going to open his mouth to say something she pushed a drawing into her chest and said "I asked you not to lie to me" then walked away. He looked at the drawing and it was a drawing of Sam, Paul, him and Embry. Sam in the middle with Paul and Jared flanking each side of Sam with Embry behind Jared.

As she got into her car she was supposed to head to the diner but instead made her way to the one place she'd never really go but she needed to talk to someone who wasn't her mom. So that's how she found herself in front of Emily's place. Where she knocked on the door twice.

"Serena. What are you doing here?" Emily stated in shock as she opened the door that revealed Serena standing there.

"Is Paul here by chance?" She asked hesitantly at first. Maybe she can get it over with if he was there.

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