Chapter Twenty Four

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As soon as those words left her mouth, many emotions flooded his body. He felt everything all at once and that pissed him off more than anything.

Confusion. Shock. Worry. Anger.

He was careful to get out of bed, not to wake up Serena but he couldn't get what she said out of his head. It was like it was playing in a loop. He had so many questions, like who was going to die? Who was she talking about? When was this going to happen? And where?

He made the bed and made his way to her back door and headed to the only place that might have some answers. He went to Emily's, to find Sam. With all the time he spent with Serena's mother, Mia, he should know something. He just hoped that he would make it back in time before she woke up to get ready for school.

But even he knew that this would take a while and wouldn't make it back in time. He just hoped that she would understand why he had to leave.

// At Emily's //

As soon as Paul knocked on the door, he was greeted with a tired looking Emily who smiled softly at him and let him inside.

"Coffee?" She asked him as he entered. "Sam's getting dressed. He'll be down in a minute." She continued.

"Yes please." He responded as he sat in the kitchen chair and thanked her when she brought the freshly poured coffee for him. "Thanks Emily."

They both heard Sam grunt as he came down the stairs.  And he immediately made his way towards Emily and greeted her with a mountain of kisses as he whispered in her ear to go back to bed and she did. As much as she wanted to stay awake, she just couldn't so she kissed his cheek and said goodnight to Paul and headed upstairs.

"What happened?" Sam asked Paul once Emily was upstairs.

"I'm not sure, exactly." He said truthfully. "We went to bed and she woke up screaming and then fell back to sleep. To be completely honest, I don't even think she'll remember any of it." He finished as he stared into his coffee cup somberly.

"After she screamed did she say anything?" Sam asked.

Paul looked at him for a minute debating if he should tell him but then again he knew better than to keep something like this from Sam, from his Alpha. So he told him. "She said "he's going to die" and then fell back to sleep. And before you ask, no, I have no idea who she is talking about."

Before Sam could ask anything else, he was interrupted by Lena.

"Is Serena okay?" She asked while rubbing her tired eyes.

Paul looked at Sam and then back to Lena. He sighed heavily as he got up and made his way towards her. He bent down on one knee to her level as he talked to her. "She's fine. She had a nightmare, that's all."

"Are they getting bad again?" She whispered to him.

"What do you mean again?" He asked her confused and concerned.

"After dad died, her nightmares got bad. She would whimper in her sleep, sometimes she would cry or talk in her sleep too. Mom didn't know what to do anymore. So she took her to grandpa to make her feel better and he made her sleep outside until she found it."

"Found what?" He asked for her to continue.

"The meaning of what she was seeing and when she came back, she drew. She just started drawing until one day she stopped. I think grandpa kept her drawings but it was like she was in a trance the whole time." She told him.

Paul didn't know what to do with the information he was told nor did Sam, who was still sitting quietly, listening to what Lena was telling Paul.

"The drum." She said in a low tone.

"What?" Paul questioned her in able to hear her voice since she spoke low.

"It was the drum. When she came back she didn't just draw, she was hymning to the sound of a drum. She said "The sound of the drum kept the voices quiet." Grandpa said that our ancestors used to sing to the spirits in hymns and if you were lucky enough they would speak back to you. I never understood what he meant back then or why mom got so upset after that but now I do. "She said a bit louder as she looked between Paul and Sam, coming to a realization.

"What do you know Lena?" Sam questioned her this time.

"The drum didn't just help her drown out the voices, they helped her see the full picture. I didn't realize it until now but it was the same hymn that dad used to get us to sleep." Lena told Sam as she began to walk to the front window to catch a glimpse of the sunrise as she continued to talk to them.

"I overheard them arguing, I was trying to find Rena but instead I found them. Mom was yelling at grandpa telling him that it wasn't true. She just couldn't accept it, she didn't want to. He said that every couple hundred of years a powerful banshee is born, they were called witches because they predicted things that haven't happened yet but that's also why they were called omens because they saw death."

Both Sam and Paul were listening intently as they were trying to figure out where the story was going. What the realization was as she continued.

"When I finally found Rena, she was in the corner of the room, covering her ears. She didn't even hear me come in. Everything around her was so loud, she couldn't think, couldn't move, it was like she was paralyzed by sound no one else could hear but her. It wasn't until I touched her shoulder that she looked at me and she looked so scared. It was the first time I saw her look so helpless, so scared, I've never seen that look on her before but it's what she said after that really caught my attention." She said as she turned around to look at them.

"What did she say?" Sam asked.

"She said "I want dad. He'll know what to do, he always knows what to do." It was like she was waiting for him, waiting for him to take away her pain. It wasn't until I started hymning like dad that it all made sense." She told him.

"When what made sense?" Paul asked this time.

"Don't you get it. He wasn't hymning to calm the banshee in her, he was hymning to appease the wolf in her." She said.

"What are you talking about?" Paul and Sam asked in unison.

"She might be a banshee but she still has wolf blood running through her veins. Part banshee, part wolf, half of mom and half of dad." She told them. "And it's almost time for school which means my sister woke up alone." She finished as she headed back upstairs but not before turning around to finish her thoughts. "You should talk to Billy about it, the tribe should know more but as far as my sister goes, Paul you should take her out as a sorry for letting her wake up alone in an empty house."

"Crap." Paul muttered to himself.

"I'll talk to the counsel and see what I can find out but until then, I want you to keep watch of her." Sam told him. "That goes for you to Jared." He finished as Jared came to the door.

"I need you to do something for me." Paul told Jared.

A/N: I am so sorry for not posting yesterday but I'm currently under the weather. I got sick Friday and I'm trying to recuperate for work tomorrow. So I wanted to push this chapter out as soon as I could before days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months before I post again. Anyways thanks so much for sticking around and if you have any ideas about a new fanfic you want me to start let me know.

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