Chapter Fourteen

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"Where are we going?" Lena questioned once she realized they weren't driving to their house. She turned to Serena when she didn't get a reply. Lena watched her sister keep her gaze towards the road, never taking her eyes off it. She then noticed a tear slip down her sisters cheek. She was crying.

Serena kept quiet and so did Lena when she realized that her sister wasn't going to answer her. She watched as they pulled into the drive way that belonged to Emily. "What are we doing here?" She asked but again didn't get a reply as she noticed her sister was unbuckling her seatbelt and was getting ready to get out. "Serena" she said more sternly. She needed to know what was going on.

"You're right and I'm sorry" was all she said as she got out. She walked over to the passenger side where Lena was and opened the door. "Come on" Serena told her as she watched her unbuckle herself and get out. They walked side by side next to each other as they reached the door.

It didn't take Emily long to answer the door once she heard the knock on the door. She was surprised to see the two sisters at her house. She hasn't really talked to either of them since Lena and Serena got situated into the new house. But Emily could tell that something was going on between the two with just one glance. They avoided eye contact and physical touch when normally Serena would hold onto Lena's hand as they walked any where.

"Serena, Lena? Come in." Emily started as she moved more to the side to allow them to come inside but Serena put her hand on the small of her sister's back to guide her inside. "Go" was all she said as the siblings looked at each other.

As reluctant as Lena was she moved inside the house once she made eye contact with her sister. She didn't know what was happening, why they stopped there, why Serena practically pushed her inside, why she didn't come in right away.

"Something tells me you aren't coming inside" Emily finally spoke up once she noticed the look in Serena eyes. She never took her eyes off her when she ventured inside and made her way towards the couch.

"Because I'm not" she replied as she finally looked at Emily. "Can she stay here for a while?" Serena asked

"You know she can but what's really going on?" Emily knew something was wrong but she just didn't know what.

"I'll have Paul stop by with some of her clothes. And she needs to be homeschooled if she really doesn't want to go back. If it's to much you can call Sue, Lena loves to hang out with Seth anyways aside from Paul." Serena finished as she looked away with tears in her eyes.

Emily was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. You couldn't find one without the other, Serena never went anywhere with out Lena and Lena never went anywhere without Serena, even at the diner, they were always together. Things were changing between the siblings that much was certain.

"Wha... I... Are you sure?" She couldn't help the stutter that came with the shock nor the disbelief that this was actually happening.

"It's for the best" Serena replied sadly as she began to walk off Emily's porch and towards her car. She didn't make it too far when she heard Lena scream. It took everything from within her to not look back, to not reach for her, to comfort her, to tell her everything will be okay because this time she really didn't know if it was or not.

Just then she felt Lena hug her from behind halting her movements. She heard her crying. No she wasn't crying, she was sobbing.

"You can't leave me here, you can't" Lena sobbed out as her sister turned around to hug her. This would be the last time either sister would be in each other's arms. "I didn't mean anything I said. I swear. I'm sorry." She continued to sob out.

"Yes, you did and that's okay because you were right. You have to let go Lena." Serena struggled to say as she herself was crying and trying to pry off her sister. "You need to let me go now Lena" she continued as she was struggling to get free from her sister's grip.

Emily found herself sobbing watching the scene unfold before her.

Serena finally kneeled down and became the same height as her sister. She grabbed her face in between her hands, cupping her cheeks to make Lena face her.

"You're safe here. The wolves will protect you. Emily will watch you and you can still see Seth on the weekends." She told her as she looked at Emily behind Lena as if saying "Come get her." She watched as Emily began to walk to grab her. "I will always love you and I'm doing this because I promised you I would protect you no matter what." She finished as she pressed a kiss to her forehead as if saying goodbye for the last time.

Emily made it to them just as Serena got up and turned her back to them. Lena was going to take a step forward but was stopped by Emily who had hugged her from behind to stop her from going anywhere. Lena began to protect, screaming to be let go but Emily didn't budge as hard as it was not to. Lena knew why she was doing this but she still didn't want to be without her sister.

Emily just let her cry and sob as she herself was crying for them. She knew how hard it was for Serena to walk away, not that her decision was right either but she understood it. She noticed Lena's breathing became even, she cried herself to sleep in Emily's arms. She picked her up and walked inside the house and put her in the old room she was in when Lena and Serena lived with them for a while.

In tears, Serena drove to the diner. She needed to see what needed to be done before reopening it. She parked her car, still crying as she got out and just stared at the building, like she was in a trance. She stared at the name "Longspear Diner" when she remembered her and her sister joking.

"Looks like it's just you and me Lena." She said as she looked at her sister.

"Maybe we can rename it when it gets passed down to us. Something like Lena and Serena's diner" she joked.

Serena just laughed as she added "Maybe Serena and Lena's Diner, you know since I'm older." She joked back as both siblings looked at each other and just busted up in a laughing fit...

"It looks like it really is just you and me" she whispered to herself as she made her way inside the diner, locking the door behind her.

She looked around the diner, thinking of what needs to be changed what needs to be ordered, having already decided of the new name for the diner she needed to get the paperwork started for it. As she walked into the back office and looked around the room, she noticed that she hasn't never been in here. Her mother never let her. She was always told to stay out of it. Her mother always gave her the instructions of staying away but not to Lena.

She looked around and saw pictures of her and Lena, her and her dad before he died, her and her mother. She didn't want to stay in there to long getting a bad feeling and wanting to get out as soon as possible. It still felt forbidden to be there even with her mother not around. As she opened one of the drawers to look for the paperwork she noticed more pictures of her father in there.

Serena picked up the picture and noticed that underneath that picture were some of her drawings. She didn't remember drawing these. They were of the night her father died, the night of the accident. It was like a picture book as she placed them on the desk. When she stepped away to look at the sequence of her drawings, she realized she predicted his death before it even happened. And just like that it was all coming together, why her mother never let her inside the office.

It was because Serena never had control over her banshee ability and she still doesn't. She looked in the drawer some more and found more drawings she did that she doesn't remember doing. People of the tribe dying in her pictures, the cold ones right before her eyes, wolves of many. She looked around herself and for once she really was surrounded by death in the form of drawings.

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