Chapter Eight

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"So this is hers?" Sam asked Jared as they sat at Emily's table. Jared had given Sam Serena's drawing book and they were currently flipping through her drawings.

"Yeah. And trust me she's freaking out about it. I feel completely terrible, she thinks she lost it, stormed out of class and everything. Wouldn't be surprised if she tore her house upside down for it." Jared told his alpha

"So do we know what she is yet?" Paul asked as he walked into the room and sat down. He too was staring at her drawings. "Or do you already know because you don't look that surprised at her drawings, like you've seen them before"

"Because we have." Boomed a voice from behind the boys. It was the council tribe members. "Just not these specific ones."

"What do you mean?" Paul and Jared asked at the same time.

"She's an omen" one of the tribe members began to say as Billy Black finished "of death"

"So she what? She causes death?" Paul asked in fear for her because he didn't know how to protect her from this.

"No" Sam said firmly "she predicts it"

Everyone was silent for a while until Paul broke it. "So what does that mean? For her?"

"She doesn't know" Billy said

"We know that. It's just getting worse" Jared said worriedly

"Can she control it?" Paul asked

"No. Not really but I notice that it's happening more often" Sam stated before he continued "she deserves to know before she's put in danger or gets herself into danger."

"That's not our decision to make" Old Quill said "it's her mother's to make Sam, you know that"

Sam sighed heavily And called it a night.

A few days later Serena had stayed home from being sick, the stomach flu, at least that's what she thought since she hasn't thrown up everything she ate in awhile. She still drew and still had her feelings about her sisters research. And she did some of her own from the stories she heard from her dad about the tribe. Which led her to come barreling into Lena's room.

"Want to go to a bookstore with me?" Serena asked with a big grin on her face.

"Uh? Aren't you sick? Or is that just a ploy to not go to school?" She sassed at her sister. She was worried something was really wrong with her. She never kept anything down but what worried her even more was when she couldn't eat her favorite foods without feeling sick or smelling certain foods without wanting to gag.

"I'm feeling fine today, promise. I'm even going back to school tomorrow" she told her never loosing her grin.

"Okay fine I'll go" Lena caved. As they both walked out to the front door, to the car and started to drive off. Both missing the drawing that could change the sisters lives forever.

"We need to make a stop though at the pharmacy, I just need to get some more medicine" Serena said as she glanced at her sister

"I thought you said you were feeling better? We are heading back if you still feel bad." She said with her voice laced in concern.

"I am feeling better but you know me, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Be prepared you know, what if I go to school and I start feeling bad again" she rambled on and on about scenarios that might not even happen.

"Okay okay just stop please, before you get even more annoying" she chuckled as Serena rolled her eyes and chuckled herself.

After parking her car. She told Lena to stay inside since she wasn't going to take long and her sister wasn't going protest. As she headed towards the aisle she needed to get the one thing she needed. She stared at it.

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