Chapter Twenty

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From Paul :
Need to patrol soon. See you tonight.

That's the text Serena was staring at for a while as she sat at the kitchen island finishing her breakfast.

He's coming back?...She questioned herself.

As she sat there, the silence became too much for her. So she decided to head to the diner and prepare the correct documents to reopen it.

//Meanwhile back at Emily's.//

"She still hasn't said anything?" Paul questioned Sam as they both watched Emily serve her breakfast and eat in silence.

"No. She completely shut down after you left." He said sadly. He's known he Longspear children since they were born. They were his family just as much as he was to them and to see them like this broke him.

"Serena isn't any better either." Paul told him with a heavy sigh. "Do you know anything else about what a banshee can do?" He asked Sam not taking his eyes off Lena.

Sam looked over at him shocked he asked such a question but then again with everything that's been happening, it wasn't much of a surprise. "I know as much as what Mia told me." He replied with a sigh as he looked back at Len a who was still eating silently. "She can predict death, days, weeks, months, years, from now if she's really powerful. She predicted her parents death but we didn't know when they were going to happen. Her drawing were just an adaptation to draw out the voices for her." He paused as he looked at Paul who was staring at Lena but with a far away look on his face.

"Why are you asking?" He questioned him.

"Serena —" Paul sighed as he looked down then looked at sam as he continued "Last night Serena was —" he paused trying to find the right words to explain what he saw. "I don't even know how to explain it. It was like I was in her dream, in her memory of what she was dreaming of." He tried to explain leaving out the part of seeing his daughter.

"What did you see?" Sam questioned him to get him to open up more about what she can do.

"I saw the night her father died. It was just like how you described it." He grimaced at the end of that sentence. He didn't want to talk about it or remember it.

"Ah, so she starting to remember it." He stated as he side eyed him for a second before continuing. "She suppressed the memory before leaving the hospital. I honestly think she did that for Lena when Mia finally brought her." He finished as he started to remember the memory.

"So she finally listened and brought her?" Paul questioned.

"Yeah, that took convincing from the tribe though. Serena finally woke up the moment Lena touched her hand to hold it. After that they never left each other's side, they were practically glued to each other." Sam finished. "You have patrol come on." He said as he guided Paul to the edge of the woods were he met Jared. They were both on patrol duty, Embry would patrol with Sam, their Alpha until he got the hang of it.

Paul sent a text to Serena to let her know he would be there tonight.

From Rena :

It wasn't much, actually there wasn't anything to that text but he smiled anyways. Normally Serena wouldn't bother to text back since he came back around after everything that has happened. Maybe now they were finding there way back to each other.

Serena had finally managed to clean up the back office inside the diner from her drawings. She stuffed them back inside the drawer not wanting to relive that past but also not having the heart to throw them away.

She sat a one of diner stools with a bunch of paper work spread out in front of her. So much had to be done, bills that needed to be paid, a menu that needed to be upgraded, recipes that needed to be learned, school she still needed to attend to, homework that needed to be done. She ran a hand through her hair as she started to stress out over it.

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