Chapter Four

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After the silence Paul finally spoke "Was she the one we heard? The one who screamed?" He spoke to Sam as he crouched down to Serena. He then took her drawing and handed it to Sam. Paul stared at her for a moment. He hasn't seen her since he left her, since he broke their promise. "And why is she so close to the treaty line?"

"We should get her out of here first, then we can question it later, I can already smell them getting close" Jared spoke up to Sam and Paul. They all agreed as Paul picked her up. They didn't need the Cullens to ask questions when they didn't have answers themselves. And luckily with the banshee nearby the mind reading vampire, Edward Cullen, and the vision seer vampire, Alice Cullen, couldn't read or see a thing, that's what the banshee did. She protected them even unconscious not that she knew that though. She didn't even know what she was, it was just in her nature to protect the wolves as it was in there nature to protect her.

Sam growled under his breath as they got closer. As instructed, Paul carried the unconscious Serena out of the woods as his scent was masking hers while Jared stayed behind to aid his Alpha if need be. Soon the vampires, Edward, Alice, and Emmett emerged closer to the treaty line where Serena screamed, it appeared that they had heard it too.

"Do you know who that was?" Edward asked as he was trying to read their mind and realized he couldn't no matter how hard he concentrated. "No" Sam said simply "We came here as soon as we heard it" Jared added. "Whoever or whatever that was is long gone now" Sam finished as he looked at Edward

"We were at school when we heard it" Alice said as she was trying to see the future of who it was but couldn't. "And it led us here at the treaty line" Emmett finished for her.

"The tracks stop here at the treaty line on our side" Jared started "but also vanish here. There's no traces leaving or moving somewhere else." Sam interrupted "but again it's on our side so we'll investigate the matters"

"You'll let us know what you find out? Whatever it was could bring danger to both of our kind" Edward said cautiously. The wolves only nodded in agreement and left.

Back with Paul, Serena was still unconscious as he carried her back to Emily's. Why was she in the woods? Why was she alone? Why did she draw that? Who was it? Questions upon questions were left unanswered as he stared at her. Was she okay? Is she okay? He needed to know.

"Is she okay?" Jared voiced his concern for her. Despite not really talking to her, he heard nothing but great things from Paul, not to mention the wolf link they had with each other so they knew how she was. And to see her like this, he was concerned.

"Don't know" Paul told him not taking his eyes off her "she's still unconscious, I caught her before she hit the ground. It looks like she just passed out." He finished as he looked back at him and then turned to Sam "What was she doing in the woods anyways? Doesn't she know how dangerous it is out there!" He said with anger in his voice. "Calm down" Sam told him. He needed Paul to calm down before he phased and Paul knew that too.

As they got to Emily's, they placed her on the couch as she started to grunt.

She brought her hand to her head as a headache started to form, she was about to sit up but a hand was placed on her shoulder and stoped her "Woah, easy. Just lay back down." A deep voice made her eyes shoot open and was met by sam and did as told. She brought her hand down and placed it on her stomach, turned her head to look at him "What happened?" She said barely above a whisper.

Sam didn't know what tell her, especially not in front of the other wolf pack members. He couldn't tell her what she said if she doesn't remember.

"What do you remember?" Sam asked not taking his eyes off her. She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows as if she was trying to remember herself. "I remember arguing with Jacob about..." she looked away from him and looked observed her surroundings and her eyes then landed on Jared as she continued "...Jared had come to ask if I was okay because I didn't show up yesterday but you already know that" she finished as she looked at him.

"Is that all you remember?" He asked but she shook her head adding more "by the time lunch came I was drawing, I was talking to Kim... Well she was talking, I was just listening. I got up to head to math and now I'm here..." she trailed off "I was sleep walking again wasn't I?" she asked Sam as she continued "I used to do it a lot when I was younger when my dad died but stopped when I was..." she took a long pause before sighing "When I was with Paul" she said barely above a whisper.

Sam knew of her sleep walking. The banshee would wander off to alert the protectors of death but of course he knew it stopped because she was with a potential wolf. And the banshee inside her began to feel safe as she would draw death instead of follow it not that either Paul or her knee the reasoning behind her not sleepwalking anymore.

"You slept walked into the forest this time" Sam told Serena. He was about to continue when Serena interrupted him "What about the drawing? I had it during lunch? Where did it go?" She asked frantically looking at both Jared and then back at Sam. "What drawing?" Sam asked not tell her the truth "you didn't have one on you" Jared finished for Sam

Serena then looked straight at Jared, looked him in the eyes "You're a terrible liar Jared, I hope you know that" she told him with tears falling from her eyes. "The drawing wasn't important" a voice so cold it sent shivers down her spine. She hasn't heard that voice in a while but to hear it in a tone so cold surprises her as she looked at him. He did mint meet her gaze though. And he wanted to so bad but he too was afraid to look at her and imprint.

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