Chapter Seven

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After the morning commotion, she got ready as usual and made her way downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. That was until she heard the news about another death.

...The unfortunate death of Waylon Forge

She wanted to listen to to more but her mother shut the tv off. She then sat at the kitchen table with her breakfast plate in front of her, she a bit of it but was mostly picking at it. Until her sister Lena decided to come downstairs and annoy her.

"Maybe you're psychic?" Lena suggested with a shrug of her shoulders as she was shoveling food into her mouth.

"I'm not psychic." Serena said at the same time as her mother said "She's not psychic."

"Yeah well she's something" Lena said as she put her sisters drawing on the kitchen table for everyone to see.

Serena looked at her drawings wide eyed. Why did she draw the boat docks? When did she draw that? Why doesn't she remember. Questions upon questions with no answers.

"I don't... I don't remember drawing that." She finally said in a whisper with tears forming in her eyes. Her mother knew was she was becoming but she didn't have the heart to tell her daughter the truth. She wanted her to be normal without any of the dangers or knowledge of the supernatural world unfolding before her but she was apart of it whether her mother liked it or not. So she took her daughters hand in hers and tried to comfort her. She needed more time to tell her.

"We'll figure this out okay." She told her but Serena wasn't having it as she quickly yanked her hand from her mother as if it was on fire. And yelled back at her.

"Yeah and what if we don't! What then huh!? I'm going crazy! Right! I'm the rez freak who can hear voices and draw things I don't even remember drawing! But we'll figure this out right!" She was feeling way too much and her yelling seemed to drown out the noise for a bit but as soon as she stopped they we whispering again and she couldn't take it. So she grabbed her bag and headed towards the door where Lena was waiting for her. "Let's go" was all she said. She didn't saying to her mom and didn't give Lena a chance to saying anything either as she was practically dragged out by her older sister and slammed the door behind her.

As they drove off Lena kept on staring at her sister like she really was crazy. Serena never yelled. She was calm and collected. Never one to raise her voice. She was a lot like her father in that way. Their mother, Mia and herself were always the ones to raise their voice. Even when she was with Paul, she was the calm and he was the storm. So to hear her yell back at their mother she was shocked and surprised and genuinely concerned for her older sister.

"I know you don't want me asking but I'm taking the chance anyways... Are you okay?" Lena asked in concern and not joking like she usually would.

Serena looked at her baby sister and sighed heavily. "I'm fine" was all she said as she looked back at the road in front of her. As her sister was just staring and studying her side profile.

"Okay how about we try the truth this time?" She said as she held out her pinky finger for her to hold. It was more of a vow than a promise between the two. "No secrets remember?"

The pinky finger promises/vow were taken seriously between the sisters. It started when Lena was born, when she would have nightmares of her own. When she was scared or afraid to try something, Serena was there pinky promising that she wasn't alone and that she was always there for each other no matter how crazy things got. Sometimes they would hold each other's pinky's together just for comfort. They even managed to rope in Paul in doing it even if he thought it was completely stupid but took it seriously when he saw how serious the two sisters took it.

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