Chapter Twenty Five

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After Serena gathered herself, she made her way back to her bedroom to get ready for school. She missed him, his presence but most of all, she missed her. Her little sister, her laughter, her voice, their sibling banter, the memories they were making, she missed it all. She questioned if she was making the best decision for her but she didn't know if Lena would forgive her if she came back.

As she drove herself to school, she had this overwhelming feeling of being watched. She couldn't shake the feeling away even as she rolled to a stop, she looked around seeing if she could see something, anything but found nothing as she continued her way to school.

Once she parked the car, she sat there for a minute or two contemplating if today was really worth going to but being responsible she got out and made her way to the front doors of school. Serena made her way to her lockers, still unable to shake the feeling of being watched.

"So Jakes been helping Bella fix up a bike." She heard a voice from behind her say and not expecting it, made her jump. "Hey, it's just me." They said as she turned around.

"Sorry Quil, just a little jumpy today." Serena apologizes.

"Don't sweat it." He responded. "Anyways, apparently her boyfriend and his family left town and she decided to fix up some rusty old dirt bikes."

"Great." She said as she turned back around to gather the rest of her things from her locker.

"You sound like you don't care." He said after hearing her answer.

"Because I don't about either. Actually I'm glad they left." She said as she closed her locker. Serena looked down and sighed heavily as she looked at him. She grabbed both his shoulders "One day you'll understand why I really don't care." She finished as she walked away from him.

He stood there for a minute stunned before he spoke " That was kind of mean!" He yelled as he watched her wave him off.

Serena made it to her first class before anyone else got there, she was earlier than she wanted to be so she did what she did best. She drew. And it continued as students began to roll into class but stopped as soon as she noticed Jared walked in.

"Don't stop on my account." He said to her.

"What do you want?" She asked him.

"What makes you think I want something?" He replied.

Serena gave him a look. "Look whatever it is I want no part of it."

"Look just hear me out." Jared started.

"No." She interrupted him before he could really continue.

"Paul wants—" he tried to continue but was interrupted by her again with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Paul wants. I don't care what he wants." She told him as she rolled her eyes.

"He wants to say he's sorry for this morning so can you just listen." He told her as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Please." He added.

"What?" She agreed.

"He's going to come and pick you up." He started again but paused and held up his hand before he continued. "And before you interrupt up me. Again. I'm driving your truck, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay." She finally said.

"Look just give— wait did you say okay?" He asked surprised.

"Okay." She said again.

"Then it's a date." He confirmed.

"Yeah. It's a date." She said to herself but she still couldn't help the feeling as though she was being watched.

After that she turned back around as class began. Serena made it through most of her classes without any problems and then lunch came around. She found it peaceful as she sat at the lunch table drawing, again. She saved her appetite for her dad with Paul so she blocked out the noise of the cafeteria and drew. Once Serena was in her trance, her hand moved on its own, she could draw non stop if no one stopped her.

Her first drawing was of a brown russet wolf. Standing tall on all fours at the edge of the forest line, looking rather intimidating. It looked like it came straight out of a nightmare. Her second drawing was of a dark skinned man standing at the edge of a clearing, he seemed far away, standing in front of a shadow. Her third drawing was of Lena standing behind someone with a scared expression on her face. Her fourth drawing was of a woman with red curly hair standing behind a man with short dark black hair.

She would have continued if it weren't for the lunch bell indicating that lunch was over. Serena didn't even pay attention to her drawings as she just gathered them and shoved them into her bag so she could shove some of her lunch in her mouth before it was too late.

As she threw away her lunch she still couldn't shake that feeling of being watched. Serena walked into the hallway and that's when the feeling got even more intense, she wanted Paul, she wanted to feel safe but she couldn't move, she was paralyzed by fear as she stayed in the middle of the hallway as other students were bumping into her and telling her to watch it or to move out of the way. It wasn't until she grabbed ahold of the wrist of the next person that walked by her. The person that would aid her in safety, a person she trusted or the banshee inside her trusted.


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