Chapter Twenty Seven

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"If there's something going on, you need to tell me. I don't want you getting hurt." He told her as he started his truck and looked ahead of him.

"It's just a feeling, that's all. Nothing more than that." She told him then she sighed, once she looked at him and saw his face before she continued. "I feel like I'm being watched but I can't tell if it's me feeling this way or of it's Lena feeling this way." She told him as she was playing with her fingers in her lap. A nervous habit she picked up.

Paul looked at her and then her hands and sighed himself. He put his hand on top of hers to get her to stop playing with them knowing she was getting nervous. She looked at him as he continued to keep his eyes on the road. "We patrol the area when she's in school. Sam, Embry, and I all take turns when we're on patrol and we haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary." And just like that she felt safe again.

"Where are we going anyways?" She questioned changing the subject.

"We're going to La Push." He answered her as she looked at him. "Well a certain part of it at least."

"What does that mean?" She asked skeptically.

"Just trust me okay." He told her.

"Okay." She responded back.

He watched as she continued to look outside and watch as the tress passed them by. Paul watched as she stuck her hand out and rode the wave of the wind, she looked calm and content but he had a question to ask her, one that's been on many minds.

"Hey." He said getting her attention.

"Hm" she responded not taking her eyes off the trees and her hand.

"I was wondering." He started as she looked at him in the corner of her eye for him to continue. "Well, a lot of people were wondering, when are you opening up the Diner again?"

Paul watched as she looked back out the window finding peace in it before she sighed heavily to answer. "I have to talk to Lena about it. She has to approve of the name change and the design and the new menu. Until that happens it will remain closed."

"Why do you need her approval anyways? I thought you owned it?" He asked.

"I do but so does she. My mom made me owner but I made her co-owner. So I won't do anything without her approval. And the first thing that I want to change is the name which is why it's covered. I have everything filled out I just need her to sign the documents and approve it." She told him as they were getting near La Push.

"But you've been avoiding it, right." He stated knowing she hasn't been wanting to come around her sister but even he knew she would come around eventually.

"Hm." She responded as she looked at him and then back out the window. "It's not that I'm avoiding it. I just don't know how to talk to her right now, how to approach her. How to apologize." She finished saying as he parked his truck at the beach.

"Trust me, she knows that you did it because you wanted to keep her safe." He told her as he got out of his truck to open her side.

"Thanks." She told him as she took his hand to step out. They walked side by side, she didn't say anything until she noticed that they weren't walking towards the beach, no, Paul lead them to the edge of the woods that met the beach. "This isn't where you're gonna kill me right?" She questioned him in humor.

"If I did you'd never see it coming." He told her as he kept walking towards the woods as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're kidding right." She questioned as he kept walking ignoring her.

"Come on before I leave you behind." He told her as he kept walking. Smiling once he heard her run to catch up to him.

As they were trekking through the woods she grew more and more nervous. Stepping over every branch and tree trunk but soon found herself falling but before she could hit the ground Paul caught her. They both stared into each others eyes and in that moment it felt like time had stopped for them.

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