Chapter Thirty Two

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As soon as Paul arrived with Serena still in his arms, he was at first just staring at the ocean, watching it recede but hearing her whimper brought him back to reality. He walked closer as he soon felt the cold waves hit his feet, he kept walking in until the water was coming up to his arms.

"Paul." Serena whispered.

"It's okay, I got you." He whispered back as he maneuvered her so her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were wrapped around his neck. He could feel the heat slowly leaving her body. It didn't take long for her to start shivering into him but because it took so much out of her she fell asleep in his arms. Where she soon saw the brown russet wolf approach her in her dreams.

She was dancing in her white dress by the fire that illuminated in the darkness. The other wolves were prancing along side her as well. The brown wolf was scared and nervous to approach them at first, he didn't want to accept it and it showed when she stopped dancing so did the wolves. They noticed the new wolf that was almost lurking in the shadows, they watched as the banshee slowly approached the brown russet wolf, they had their guard up. They watched as she bowed her head to the new wolf in acceptance, letting them know that it was okay, they watched as she raised her hand and let the wolf approach her. The brown russet wolf slowly moved forward as he brought his wet snout to her hand. She chuckled at the action but he bowed back to her in return after he touched her stretched out hand. It was then that the other wolves began to pro uncle around knowing that she was okay with the new wolf but even then they could tell that the new wolf was still wary of them, of her.

Paul took noticed of her sleeping form and began to walk out of the water where Jared was waiting for them to return.

"She okay?" Jared asked him as soon as Paul got out of the water.

"Yeah, she fell asleep, I think it was just too much for her." Paul responded.

"Gonna take her back to Emily's?" Jared questioned him.

"No. It's already late and she needs to get out of these wet clothes before she gets sick." Paul told him as he began to walk in the direction of Serena's house.

"If you need anything." Jared started to say.

"Yeah, I know." He responded back.

The next day after Paul took her home something felt completely different, she felt completely different. Paul studied her as she was sitting near the living room window, just drawing but this time it didn't seem like she was drawing mindlessly, it looked like she was in more control of what she was drawing.

"Jacob phased." Paul interrupted her. "Last night." He added.

"He did?" She asked him. "Is that why I was overheating?" She continued.

"Yeah." His answer was short. "We took you to the beach, brought your temperature down quick."

"The beach." She repeated as she continued to draw. "How'd you know to take me to the beach?"

"Lena told us." He told her and that's when he got her full attention.

Serena stopped her drawing to look at him. "Lena told you?" She questioned him again.

"Yeah, Lena told us." He repeated his answer.

"What do you mean she told you." She asked.

"What do you mean, what do I mean. I think it's pretty explanatory, Lena told us to take you to the beach. I don't know how else you want me to tell you." He said with a slight chuckle but stopped his joking when he noticed how serious her face looked.

"She was too young to know to take me to the beach. I think dad and the elders were the only ones to know to take me to the beach." She told him as she looked back at her drawing.

"That looks like something you should talk to her about." He pointed out.

"Yeah." She whispered back.

"Hey look, I'm gonna head out." Paul started to interrupt her inner thoughts about Lena.

"Right." She said as she looked at him. "Patrolling right?"

"Yeah, don't worry okay." He told her as he cam up to her and kissed the top of her head. Neither one of them have brought up the night after dinner and neither one of them were going to. What happened at that diner stayed in that diner.

"Okay." She said as he pulled away from her. "Be safe." She added.

"Always." He replied to her.

After taking note of the drawing she was drawing and thinking about how Lena knew to take her to the beach, was all the much for her but she did notice how the drawing in her hand looked familiar to her, real familiar to her, like she saw it before and maybe because she has. She ran out of the house as fast as she could to the place she saw the picture from. She ran straight to Emily''s house, where she remembers seeing it, on the fridge, another picture drawn. Was it hers, no it looked like a little kid drew it, someone who was barely starting to draw, someone still learning. Someone like Lena.

"Where's Lena?" Was the first question Serena asked Emily as soon as she ran into her house.

"Lena?" Emily questioned as she was looking at the frantic girl who just ran into her house without knocking which was unlike her because Serena always knocked even when she told her not to.

"Lena is she here or out with Seth?" She questioned her more urgently.

"She should be in her room." Emily answered her as Serena started to run upstairs.

"Lena!" Serena yelled as she was running into her room practically falling on her way but when she opened the door she was greeted with a room full of drawing and silence.

"Oh my god." Emily whispered as she brought her hand to cover her mouth as she took in the sight of Lena's room.

Lena's room was covered in drawings, drawings that were all to familiar with Serena. She walked up to her bed, grabbed a few of her little sisters drawings and just stared at them for a minute. Those red ,ruby, blood colored eyes that plagued and haunted her mind stared back at her as she was looking at her sisters drawing. She looked at them and then took out her drawing book and as she flipped it open she noticed how they were the same.

"They're the exact the same drawing." Emily pointed out as she looked between the drawing and Serena but she was met with complete silence as Serena began to flip through her pages looking for a specific drawing. It wasn't until she found it and ripped it from her book and ran back downstairs heading straight for the kitchen. She took off the drawing that was on the fridge and placed it on the table as she placed hers right next to it. Side by side they were identical not a line out of place.

Serena's hand followed the outline of the drawing as the whispering became louder and louder until it become unbearable. She wanted to scream as loud as she could but the longer her hand was on the picture she ran outside to the very spot the picture was drawn not giving a chance for Emily to comprehend what happened. Emily ran towards the front door watching Serena's back as she ran, Emily then looked back down at the drawing book in her hand.

It was a clearing in the woods. Three people standing close together and another standing several feet away but it was still a clear drawing of who those people were. Bella, Serena, and Lena but those eyes were distinct. She could tell what they were, who they were. Those red, ruby, blood colored eyes. They were a cold one standing not too far from them.

"Be safe." Emily whispered aloud as she looked to the same spot Serena just left in. "All of you." She added.

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