Chapter Ten

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Lena was about to get out when she felt her sisters hand come over and stop her. She looked at her sister like she was crazy about stopping her before hearing her next words that made her scared.

"I want you to call Sam, tell him to get here as soon as possible" she told her sister as she handed her phone to her sister and was about to get out of the car but not before she felt Lena stop her like she did to her.

"Don't leave me." She said in a whisper. "Please. Rena, I'm scared" she added with tears in her eyes.

Serena looked at her sister as she was scared too. She cupped her sister's cheek and wiped away her tears that fell. "I won't leave" she said in a whisper as she took her phone to call Sam but he didn't answer "Damn it" she muttered as she tried to call Jared who also didn't answer, they were on patrol not that she knew that of course.

"Okay I'm gonna get out of the car and I'm going to walk around the car to your side okay. I'm not leaving you." She instructed her younger sister so she wouldn't get scared. And that's exactly what she did. She watched as Lena watched her every move. As soon as she opened the passenger side door she crouched down in front of Lena and cupped her cheeks again.

"We are going inside. Together. Okay. I know you're scared but I'm not going to let anything hurt you. Do you understand me." She waited for Lena to nod or say something but she was to scared to move. She grabbed her sister hand and never let go as she led her to the front door. One hand hold her sister and the other making another call. She sighed in relief as they picked up.

"Oh thank god you answered." She said to the person over the phone.

"Serena. I told you, you can't..." the voice on the other side began to say but was interrupted.

"Yeah I know I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important." She whispered back to him.

"Why are you whispering?" They questioned as they too started getting worried for her.

"I tried calling Sam and Jared but they didn't answer. No one picked up." She rambled in a whisper. But as soon as she said that, that's when she saw the blood on the walls. A fight had broken out. She quickly pulled her sister in front of her so she wouldn't see the blood or the carnage in front of her. "Paul. I think there's someone in the house." She whispered as she made her way to the kitchen where she saw her mother dying right in front of her.

Before Paul could question her more, the phone fell from her shaking hands as she screamed as loud as she could. Her sister brought her hands to her ears from the high pitch scream from the banshee as Serena brought her own hands to her sisters ears as well for extra protection.

She saw the cold one biting into her neck. Her mother staring at her with wide eyes as the cold one stared at her with his red cold dead eyes. As she screamed the cold one dropped her mothers now lifeless body as he too covered his own ears.

The wolves that were on patrol heard the scream of a banshee. But it wasn't a warning, it was a scream of danger and protection that was needed. Paul who was still on the phone phased and broke out into a run as soon as he heard her scream as well as Embry who was with him in Emily's kitchen when Paul got the call from her. Now all four wolves were headed in her direction.

As soon as her scream died down. She backed away with her sister as the cold one stared at her with hunger in his eyes.

"Her scent was here. But you're not her." He spoke so coldly but before he could say anything else. Serena pushed her sister toward the door that lead her to the backyard and into the woods.

"Run" was all she said and that's all it took for Lena to break out into a run. Serena managed to scream again before he could make it to her and that's all it took for him to buckle over and hold his ears. And that's when Serena ran herself who wasn't far behind from Lena. They almost made it to the edge of the woods when Lena fell over from a tree root. As Serena went to pick her up they both heard footsteps approaching them and as they looked up. They both saw red cold dead eyes looking wildly at them.

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