Chapter Six

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She was tossing and turning all night as her nightmares plagued her mind. She was crying and whimpering in her sleep which caught the attention of the grey wolf that would watch over her when he wasn't on patrol.

She would often forget to lock her window, and he was glad she forgot tonight as he climbed through it not making a sound to wake her. He quietly walked over to her side of the bed and put his hand on her cheek and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. He hated to see her cry even if she was asleep and unaware. She unconsciously leaned into his hand and it warmed his heart.

The wolf inside him calmed the banshee inside her.

She wasn't in her nightmare anymore, instead she was in front of a fire dancing with three wolves. It reminded her of the Quileute tribe stories she was always told. She stopped dancing and soon the other wolves stopped and stood behind her as another wolf approached the fire on the opposite side of them. She stuck her hand out as if she was saying it was okay. Serena let the wolf approach her and nuzzle into her hand.

"Embry" she whispered in her sleep unconsciously calling out the next wolf. But to Paul she was just saying another guys name in her sleep and to say he was angry was an understatement. He quickly jerked back his hand as he began to shake uncontrollably. He had to get out of there before he phased and lost all control.

Why would she say his name? Why would she call for him? Are they dating? Are they seeing each other?... he thought as he jumped out the window and phased into the woods.

"Calm down!" Sam said sternly in his wolf form "I can't!" Paul said angrily "You know you shouldn't be there! Why were you there?!" He said just as angry as Paul was "She was having a nightmare! She couldn't sleep! I don't know okay! I just felt like I had to be there!" Paul finished with a huff. "Start patrolling and cool off" Sam ordered. Soon Paul ran off and began his patrol as Sam made his way to Serena's house.

The thing about the powers of a banshee was that they prevented the wolves from seeing the banshee in their mind with the other wolves. That was their way of protecting themselves. So in order to see what he saw he too had climbed in her room. Her drawings were scattered all over the place. He saw nothing but wolves. Of course he knew they were of him, Paul, and Jared. He knew their wolves perfectly but there was a fourth wolf. One he hasn't recognized before.

"Embry" she whispered again in her sleep. He couldn't help but wonder if he was the next one to phase or if she was genuinely just saying his name since he was the one to bring her home. He kept one of the drawings of the new wolf and jumped out of her window.

When she awoke, she awoke screaming. Her mother and sister ran into the room to see what was wrong but there was nothing but her screaming. Her mother knew it was death she sensed but Serena didn't know that.

What they didn't know was that across town off the reservation and on the boat docks another victim laid defenseless, Waylon Forge. Another victim she was too late to save or even help.

A/N : I'm so sorry for not updating frequently! I'm a surgical tech student and currently doing my clinicals with that said I am updating when I can. So please bare with me.

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