Chapter Twenty Two

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"You won't find her here" he told Paul.

"Then where is she?" He asked.

Paul watched as the man pointed in front of him. He followed his gaze and when he looked up he saw himself standing in front of the Longspear Diner.

"What is she doing here?" He asked not taking his eyes off the diner.

"Dreaming" he said as he began to walk into the diner. He held the door open for Paul once he noticed his lack of movement. "Well are you just going to stand there all day or are you coming in?" He questioned as Paul made his way to the door.

He followed the white wolf inside the diner and took a seat at the counter. He never sat there before, always seating in the back, away from people. He kept adjusting and readjusting in his seat, uncomfortable. The white wolf took notice as he watched him from the corner of his eyes. He smirked to himself as he watched grow more and more uncomfortable.

"Will you be still?" The white wolf said.

"Sorry" he mumbled back as he readjusted once more. The white wolf took notice and looked at him sternly and Paul stopped moving right away.

"Geez. You're worse than Serena when she's bored." The white wolf muttered.

"So what is this, exactly?" He asked as he kept looking over his shoulder like he was being judged and watched. "I feel like I've seen this before." He noted as he started looking around.

"You have, in your eyes. This is just a different perspective." He told him as he tilted his chin in Serena's direction. "In her perspective." He finished.

"Okay but I still don't—" Paul began to say but was interrupted by the white wolf.

"Just shut up and watch." He instructed him.

So Paul did exactly what he was told to do. He watched as people kept greeting you as they passed by you and you smiling back at them. You were doing your homework, just like you always did before got there. He watched as your younger sister came up to you and started talking to you.

"How come you always sit here?" Lena asked her.

"What do you mean?" She asked?

"I mean, why do always sit here? Ever time you come in and he's not with you, you sit at the bar but thirty minutes later you sit here. Why?" She asked in curiosity.

Serena sighed as she got up from her side of the booth that was facing the wall and instructed her sister sit there. "Now tell me what you see?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Oh come on that's my line." She chuckled at her sister when she pouted.

"Forget it asked." She replied as she began to move to leave.

"Okay... Okay... I'm sorry." She chuckled. "I'm serious. Tell me what you see."

"I see you." She told Serena. "That's it just you."

"Okay good, now switch seats with me." Serena instructed her again and they did.

"Now tell me what you see." She asked again.

"Okay, I see the couple that just walked in and I see mom taking an order." She said as she was looking everywhere except her sister.

"I think we should go to the la push later. What do you think?" Serena asked her younger sister.

"Huh" Lena was too busy looking around she missed what her sister asked her.

"La Push? Later? What do you think?" She asked again.

"You think mom will let us?" Lena asked her sister. Engaging in the conversation.

"I think if we asked her, she would say yes. I mean the diner isn't that busy anyways." She replied.

"Yeah." Lena responded but instantly got a new idea "Oh. Maybe mom will close early and we can all go together and enjoy it." She said with much excitement in her voice.

"Mmm.. maybe" she responded "but do you really think she will close when it's packed now." Serena added.

"No it's—" before Lena could finish what she was saying she looked up and looked around her. It was then she noticed that the diner was indeed packed and full of people. How can she not have noticed them all come in. It wasn't this packed when they were talking but that's when she noticed it.

"You should really keep an eye on your surroundings Lena." Serena teased her younger sister.

"I was" Lena pointed out.

"So you noticed the couple that walked in and sat by the window. She's paying more attention to what's happening outside than what her partner is saying. Or the woman that walked in with her two children. One looks like he doesn't want to be here and the other one looks like he wants to try moms new cupcake the way he keeps staring at it. Or the man that is sitting alone trying to figure out what he wants to order. You can tell he's a new customer." She as going to continue when she noticed something herself. No she felt something. She sat up and got out of her seat and so did Lena, following her sister. She stood in the middle of the diner and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Lena questioned her older sister in curiosity as to why her older sister was just looking around.

"Something's not right." She said aloud but that's when she could hear the voices. The whispering. And Paul could hear it too but all he could hear was a faint buzzing sound, like a fly next to his ear.

"What is this?" He asked the white wolf

"It's the banshee." He replied

Paul watched as everyone in the diner began to look at Serena. She was the center of attention in that diner and she hated it. She tried to cover her ears but the whispering kept getting louder and louder that she dropped to the floor with her head in her hands. He was about to get up to comfort her but was stopped by a heavy hand and with a shake of his head Paul stopped. Paul watched as she was replaced with the version of her that was on the beach.

The woman in the white dress.

The Messenger of Death.

The Banshee.

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