Chapter Seventeen

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She didn't know how much time has passed but she had passed out. She tried to stay awake but she just couldn't. What did wake her up was the sound of a branch snapping, as she picked up her head she was met with Paul's large grey wolf along side Sam's large black wolf. They turned around behind the trees and phased back to human. As soon as they phased back both males kneeled in front of the girls.

"I just found her like that." Serena stuttered out because she was cold. "She isn't dead, just cold." She told them.

"Yeah and so are you." Paul told her as he grabbed her hand to help her stand up.

"I don't know how I found her, I just... I was just right in front of her." Serena spoke as she stood with the help of Paul and looked between the two.

"You mean you don't remember how you got here?" Sam asked her as he looked over at Paul and then back to her. She was loosing more control than he thought.

Someone might have to be with her at all times... Sam thought to himself.

Serena shook her head "I was with Paul and then I was here." She whispered with scared look on her face. This moment just proved that her decision on leaving Lena with Sam and Emily was the right one to make.

"Get her home." Sam told Paul.

Paul nodded and put his hand on the small of her back to help guide her out of the thick forest.

"You know it'd be faster if you rode on my back." He said with a chuckle to help lighten the mood a bit. He couldn't stand the look of fear she had in her eyes when they found her and Bella. He wanted to help her the best her could as he watched her silently walk next to him, hand in hand.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled out and to be honest if it wasn't for Paul's wolf hearing he wouldn't have caught it.

"For what?" He asked confused. Paul waited for her to answer him but all she did was squeeze his hand. And even though she didn't give him an answer, he knew why she was saying sorry. She was saying sorry because she felt bad for wondering off, for leaving his sight, for having another one of her weird feelings she couldn't explain.

He sighed as they continued walking. He was frustrated that she was closing herself off again. Paul may have understood how she felt because he felt the same way when he shifted and all he wanted to do was be there for her but he couldn't if she kept pushing him away.

Once they made it out of the woods and into Paul's truck, she was shivering even with the heater on. "You're cold." He stated as he heard her teeth chatter.

"I'm fine." Serena said as she put her hands under her thighs to help keep them warm.

"So I can turn off the heater then?" He questioned her with a raised eyebrow as he reached out his hand and pretended to turn it off, just then she reached with her own hand to stop him. As she grasped his hand he hissed at how cold she really was.

"Damn it Serena." Paul said aloud as he looked at her but she looked away from him. He then grabbed her hand with his and felt her shiver.

"I forgot how warm you are now." She whispered just enough for him to hear her as she watched him pull over to the side of the road. "What are you doing?" She questioned as she looked around their surroundings. She watched him as he turned to face her and ignore her question. He grabbed both of her hands in his forcing her to turn to him as well. He cupped them and brought them to his mouth as he blew some of his hot breath on them to help warm them up.

Serena watched at how delicate he handled her as if she was a one of a kind art piece that needed to be in a museum. She was slowly warming up but it was mostly because she was blushing at how intimate it felt. Even though it was a small gesture, this is the closest they have ever been.

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