Chapter Nineteen

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After her scream, Serena felt extremely exhausted. This was the first time she screamed as a banshee. It took everything out of her, she didn't have the strength the move and that was dangerous in this situation with the cold ones around.

The mate of the vampire that her father tackled away from his daughter grew angrier as she watched her lover fend off the wolf. She took the opportunity before her and rushed to the tired little girl and bit into her neck. Serena screamed again as a banshee for the second time that night. Her scream distracted her father for split second but that's all it took for the male vampire to rip into the white and grey wolf who howled in agony. The banshee within Serena however heard the howl and screamed once more for the third time, she took what little strength and little power she had left and screamed again. Her banshee scream traveled so far that it threw the cold one off the wolf. The red headed dropped her to the floor as she heard her scream and held her ears in pain as she took off for her lover.

Paul was furious at this point and if it wasn't for his daughter holding his hand grounding him he would've lost it by now. To see what Sam told him, to see what she had went through. He was angry and couldn't take not being able to do anything but watch.

Serena was on the floor holding her neck as the venom was spreading. The injured wolf, her father, took his last moments to aid his daughter. He whined as his wet nose touched her cheek.

"Papa" she whimpered as he whined again. "It's burning." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked into her fathers eyes. It was as if they were communicating through their eyes. It was happening in slow motion for Paul who was standing on the sideline just watching the scene unfold. "It's okay." She whispered to her father as she watched him stand wobbly on all fours above her caging her in. She placed her tiny hand on his furry cheek as he brought his large head on top of hers and licked her cheek, she giggled slightly before the pain came back much worse. "It's okay." She whispered again as she turned her head to expose her bite wound to her father. He whimpered as he brought his large paw above her neck and scratched her, she screamed before passing out. With his large claws he created a wound on top of her bite mark to drain the venom out before she was able to turn. He immediately roared to signal his location to Sam as he slumped to the floor with no more energy in him. He phased from the pain he was in, his breathing became erratic, dying as he was holding his daughter in his hands as he was whispering how much he loves her in her ear hoping she could hear him despite being unconscious.

A black wolf came into view as he whimpered at the scene. "She needs a hospital Sam." Her father said as his breathing was slowing down along with his heartbeat. He watched as sam phased and put on shorts. "Sam — you ha — have to — protect her." He said taking his last breath.

Sam watched as he took his last breath picking up Serena from her fathers lifeless body and running to take her to the hospital. "I promise." He said looking down at Serena who was bleeding out in his arms. He could hear how slow her heart was beating and how cold her body was becoming. "Hang in there Serena." He whispered to her using as much of his own body heat to keep her from becoming too cold as he was making his way to the hospital. Where it would be deemed she was camping with her father in the woods until a bear came and attacked them out of no where leaving Serena the sole survivor.

Paul watched in horror at what had happened as he watched her get attacked and her father having to practically kill his daughter, to him dying, it was too much for him as he ran to a nearby tree and emptied the contents of his stomach. He knew the story but he didn't want to see it. He didn't want you to remember this tragedy you had to go through. That's when he remembered the conversation with his daughter before. "You said it was hard to watch." He said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Like you already know." He stated as he looked at her.

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