part 23

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The king could see his sons determination to take the servant of his to his homeland. He had seen the Auburn leaves in autumn before, when as a prince himself, he did the same thing Wilbur was about to do. He could see history about to repeat its self. And it was never a good sign in his case. He sat thinking for A moment. How did his story end that day? What was the end to that adventure? A boy of age to rule, but never wanting his duties. Wilbur could take care of the kingdom, that was a difference he saw clear between him and his son around his age. Philza was not always how he was. A kind loving King, who ruled with a strict rod. He once was like Wilbur.

"Wilbur" he spoke his only sons name so kindly. "I know if I do not give permission, you'll leave either way" he set his papers aside and looked to his son. "I suppose. You never have" he wasn't going to lecture his son for his want of taking Tommy home. But he had some things he wished for in the process.

" you will take your sword. And horses. No carriage. Bandits line the road this time of year"  that was looking out for Wilbur's safety. A weapon and hidden movements. Nothing but a simple travel like setting. "And with it, I want you to bring something back. A Witherian Rose" the request was a personal one. "I am to busy and unable to get one. But if you decide to go, try to bring one back" He knew something Wilbur didn't about the land south. There used to be a reason he never let the prince out of the capital.

Wilbur didn’t know much about his father’s younger life, if he was being honest.  Wilbur did know how rebellious he was as a child, however. Even now, if he was being honest. He would sneak off into town, get into trouble of all sorts. He still did sneak out to town, but the trouble making ceased.

He stiffened at the fact his father could so easily read him. Though, Phil oftentimes always could. He opened his mouth briefly to further argue his cause, before it turns into more of an agape expression. “Really..? You’ll let us go visit?” He asked hopefully, brightening up.

“Thank you! We’ll be sure to stay safe and bring swords. I’ll wear my most tattered cloak so any thieves will think we are poor travelers.” He reassured, hugging his father. They had actually been allowed to go! He couldn’t contain his excitement now.

Phil softly laughed to see his beloved son so happy. He hopefully just changed history from repeating. Not just for his personal life, but Wilbur's. When he had done what the young prince wished to do all those many years ago, he didn't have the permission. Leaving to a foreign land, and when he came back he regretted it immediately. Not soon after was he crowned and since that day, he never forgave himself for it. He hoped Wilbur would have a different story to follow ad he embraced his son back, holding him for a minute or two in his loving arms.

"Remember, I wish for a Witherian Rose" he smiled as he back away and returned to his papers. He knew Wilbur would stay safe as well as he could, and with Tommy, he wouldn't let harm come. They would look out for each other. The story will change, or so he prays

Wilbur let go after a moment, a grin on his face. “Of course! I won’t let you down!“ he reassured, thanking his father again before excitedly exiting the room. They were actually going to be able to go! He almost couldn’t believe it, and he couldn’t wait to tell Tommy. They would have to be extra careful, and Wilbur would need to read up on Witherian roses to make sure he got the correct item for his father, but they were allowed to go.

He trotted back to Tommy’s room excitedly, opening the door gently and coming to sit on the chair tucked by his bed. “ my father approved of the trip! We’ll need to bring weapons and travel on horseback to be safer from thieves, but we’ll be able to go to your home! As Close as we can, anyways…” he grinned, practically bouncing on his heels . He was able to give Tommy an excellent gift in this trip, something he couldn’t have been more excited about.

The king only felt pride for seeing his son this happy, as he left the room Phil sighed. "Only a matter of time" he muttered to himself going back to the letters from before. He had seen many times an occasions where Wilbur would fight for something. And for once he didn't fight back so much. He knew it was only a matter of time till he would do what he pleased without approval of his father. That was good history for The king to see repeat. A boy growing up and following his own path.

Tommy, who had been sleeping smiled softly when told the news. He wasn't a deep sleeper and the moment the prince came in the room, he was slightly awake and aware of what was spoken. With a sleepy tone from a tired voice, a small "Thank you" was said as he drifted off again. From little sleep then past few nights, and his injury he was tired. But he would make sure not to make the Prince wait in the morning. Or he hoped anyways. But it was very exciting to know they had the Kings approval. Something Tommy personally never thought he'd achieve.

Wilbur smiled at the sleepy boy, “we’ll get everything ready to go tomorrow.” He said gently, standing up. He heads to his own room in order to go to bed. He lays down on his bed, yawning. He curls up under the covers, slowly falling asleep.

He got up early and started to pack up their stuff. He put some gold in a bag, along with extra clothing and a small bit of food. He had two bags packed up, laying on his bed. He grinned, jogging over to Tommy’s room. He opened the door gently, smiling. “You ready to go?” He asked softly, excited about their coming journey. “I’ve got everything packed. We just gotta choose a horse and get going. And get their saddle bags packed up with anything else we may need.” He named off, walking into the room. He was so excited to travel down south to Tommy’s home town.

It was gonna be so amazing to be able to give Tommy this! He couldn’t wait to get on the road. “We also need to get some weapons. I have swords and bows and arrows that we can get pretty soon.” He tacked on, smiling.

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