part 25

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Wilbur couldn’t contain the excitement that was filling him up at the look on Tommy’s face. That bright smile made any hardships they could faced, and have faced, worth it ten times over. He couldn’t wait until they truly made it to Tommy’s home village, both to see such a place himself and to see Tommy’s reaction. And if he noticed the teen’s eyes begin to get glossy, and a tear slip down his cheek, then he said nothing.

Wilbur tried his best to stay in the towns for the most part as they traveled. It was the best way to get quick meals and be safe from most bandits and thieves. Of course, they still had to go through forested roads, but there weren’t as many bandits hidden by the leaves than further towards the capitol.

They soon made it to a relatively nice town. They could possibly stay here for the night and rejuvenate, he though, before quickly coming to a stop at Tommy’s words. He looked towards the teen, tilting his head. He glanced towards the statue, the realization slowly dawning on him. They had made it….

Tommy dismounted the horse and stepped to the statue setting his hand on it. It was real stone, chiseled into a perfection. He smiled as he looked up at its face. He knew who it was by heart, never once forgetting the face. It wasn't a founder, or a hero. But a simple man they made an honour to. He looked to a small slab at its feet, dusting away the debris and leaves from it. Clearing it off, he read the name. 'Alexander Innit'. He was right. That was his name.

He turned back to Wilbur and smiled brightly, this town, was the village he once called home. Now twice as big, and more lively than ever. "Thank you Master Wilbur" he said aloud. The first words he spoke in any town. He normally stayed silent when around people, this town had some nearby, but he didn't care. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked to the buildings around them, letting them fall to the ground under his feet.

Wilbur looked around the town briefly, staying a couple feet from Tommy to give the boy some space. He honestly wasn’t expecting this, if he was being honest. This area looked positively gorgeous, even the architecture and all. He felt a bit of guilt building up, worrying that they may have been the reason Tommy and his family had to flee such a place.

He wasn’t sure what had actually happened to the town, only knowing that the Empire had some issues with a neighboring kingdom when he was really little. He just didn’t know of the empire was trying to conquer this area, or if another kingdom was trying to take it and the empire simply defended it. He feared it was the former option, feared that his family may have been the reason Tommy had to leave.

He looked back towards the statue, shaking away the thoughts and focusing solely on Tommy. He startled a small bit as the boy spoke, not quite expecting it nor the tears. He smiled warmly once he got over his surprise. “Your welcome… you don’t need to thank me, though.“ he said gently.

"You brought me home" he wiped the tears a bit and looked around again. There was many things he remembered from when he was 5 here. Always having a great memory. The shops he loved to visit with his mother still stood. The bakery, the flower shops. Even the blacksmith. His eyes lit up seeing the blacksmith shop was open. "Sir? Can we go there?" He asked softly. He still wanted permission even on a trip, to explore. He was still Wilbur's assistant.

The shop was black and white, with bits of red. It was small and out of place. It was clear the stone building had stood for many years, unchanging. Even with what happened many years before, and Tommy wanted to see someone inside.

Someone he knew once lived there in that shop. He built it. "Please?" His eyes sparkled under the sun as their crystal blue irises shown a silver.

Wilbur smiled, “and I would have no matter what especially since you saved my life. And your my best friend.” He reminded gently, before taking in more of the surroundings. The trees were surely magnificent, leaves all sorts of warm colors that he had never seen in person before. Not in this quantity.

The buildings were equally as nice. They were simpler than the shops and houses around the palace, more homey. It made them feel so much more charming and comfortable.

He perked up, looking over to Tommy before looking towards the building. He looked a bit surprised Tommy was asking him permission, smiling softly in amusement, “of course you can! You don’t need to ask me to go certain places. Just alert me if I’m distracted so I don’t loose you, ok?” He asked, ruffling Tommy’s hair affectionately as he heads towards the shop. He wondered momentarily why Tommy may want to go to a blacksmiths, but shook it off. Perhaps an old friend? The prince really couldn’t be sure until they got there.

Tommy smiled as Wilbur messed with his hair. Sometimes he wondered if that's what siblings did to show affection. He looked up with a smile like no other before running in. For a small shop, and workspace it was nice inside the blacksmiths. Finely made sword and tools hung on the walls as display. A small counter was there for those who wished to buy one, and there was a door leading out back to where the Smith worked alone.

Tommy didn't stop and look around in the shop like a normal person would. He was looking for something that wasn't in there. what he was looking for was outside. He happily ran out the door, and into a man. A man dressed in black and red, with a smile. "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you running there" the man said kindly. This, was who he was looking for. He knew by the voice.

He looked up, the man stood about seven feet tall. Taller than Wilbur. "Mr Halo! You still work here" he exclaimed hugging him. Mr Halo, or known as Bad to many others only smiled to the name. "Oh my, you've grown haven't you?" He remembered Tommy. Not by his looks, but his fathers. He bore much resemblance to him "You look just like him"

it was a lovely to see the young blonde again. But his attention soon turned to Wilbur. "Oh! Hello, may I help you? I can help you if you need something"

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