part 28

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Wilbur had never seen so many weapons in one place before. It was a bit amazing, honestly…. He was especially amazed by the ender pearl, something he also had never lain eyes on. It was obvious this man was a good and well known blacksmith.

He smiled at Tommy’s enthusiasm and curiosity, investigating the sword before watching the boy going back to the main shop area. He was about to follow, before deciding against it. He definitely wasn’t going to stop Tommy from getting a sword. The boy could wield it, and if he couldn’t techno could teach him. Besides, Wilbur trusted Tommy enough to let him have weapons. He knew the younger wouldn’t stab him in the back or anything, so he didn’t see the problem with it.

He startled at Bad’s comment, looking over. “Really..?” He asked slowly, looking back towards where Tommy disappeared to. “I’m- I'm not sure why I would be, if I’m being frank….” He said quietly, “he hasn’t even known me that long. I am glad he feels that comfortable around me, though, if your correct anyways.”

Tommy ran around the shop with wide eyes. So many different kinds. Diamond engraved lettering on some, gold on others. Silver and pearl for handles. While they looked nice, but that's not what he was looking for. He was looking for a certain one. He knew it by heart what it would look like, and his eyes soon fell on it with a smile. It was up high, and had a tag on it. 'Display only, till farther noticed'.. That was it. That was the sword. Bad had kept it after all.

Bad smiled as he faced his work, listening to the prince behind him. "Theseus is a strange boy. I still wondered how he was doing, and I see its been pleasant" he dusted the sword off as he stuck it in a holder so the sun could dry the final coat of shining he added. "Did you know, he was blind once?" He asked.

Tommy soon came back out holding a deep red sword. It wasn't from this land either. It seemed it wasn't from any to be honest. With a Netherite blade, from the badlands. You'd think it was from there, but its handle told a different story. It had the colours of the Ocean in it, woven into its wrapping of the leather hilt, the farthest thing from the badlands. The blade was engraved with white letters of the Enderian language. The jewel, on the centre where the blade met the handle, was of the Kinoko Kingdom. A purple Amethyst.

Tommy held it out proudly. "you kept it!"

Bad knew from his voice, what he had found. "I couldn't sell it, it had an owner waiting for it to come back, and I had to keep the promise" he smiled as he turned around. "What do you think? Does it suit him?" He asked Wilbur quietly, as if whispered

Wilbur smiles, humming. “That he is.” He paused for a second to think, “I don’t think he was doing wonderfully before he stumbled upon my garden, though…. He was mute for the longest time, and clearly not taken care of well….” He murmured, looking back towards the door subtly. He was relieved Tommy had managed to get away, and that nothing fully happened with Shlatt’s  visit and desire to get his old servant back. He had a fully realized plan, sure, but it was so much easier and safer to just be safe.

He paused at the mention, tilting his head, “he was?” He asked carefully, a bit curious about how that came to pass and how it was resolved.

Wilbur perked up as soon as Tommy came back out, smiling gently at the boy’s excitement. It was a spectacular sword, he couldn’t deny that. With bits and pieces from all over the globe. From every kingdom and culture that was remotely close to the empire. “It does” he murmured back to bad.

Bad smiled, as Tommy swung it around. It was just the right size for him. He was turning 16, in the village every boy of age got a sword. Not custom made unless paid for, but a free simple one to train with. It was for the village safety, and him holding it reminded him of that tradition. He had heard a bit of the conversation between the Prince and Blacksmith but did not interrupt as he went to mess around with it. Bad had armour stand like objects in the back where he worked for trainees to practice.

The man smiled and nodded to every word. "I am glad you helped him out, giving him a proper place" he said watching the young blonde who's happiness showed greatly. "He was blind once, for a few years after he was born. An angel came they said, and gave him sight again. He was 4 at the time"

Tommy had indeed been blind up to that age, born without sight. That was why his eyes were so crystal coloured. Such a light blue as if white almost. Vibrant in everyway. This angel he spoke of, was someone with healing methods beyond the village.

"Never got to meet her, but the mother of his did. Said she came from a palace of some sorts, by her clothes" he smiled. He always liked the tales they told little kids of her now. "She came once in the past before him too. For his grand father

Wilbur smiles, “I am, too… he seems to be doing a lot better now, luckily.” He agreed. He hummed curiously. He had rarely heard stories like that, not in a long while anyways. His mother used to tell him tales of gods and angels, dragons and Griffins, and knights and princesses. He knew of the tales of such things, but he had stopped believing in them long ago. If bad was telling the truth, however…. This would be the first of those stories that actually held an emotional link to him.

“That’s…. Amazing, honestly…” he murmured, glancing towards the door in thought. He smiled worriedly when he spotted Tommy sparring. He just had to hope the boy wouldn’t push himself. He got time to heal during the journey and before, but Wilbur still worried he would hurt his shoulder further.., “It was very kind of the Angel to help, if that was the case.” He smiled.

"I do agree Your Highness. It was very kind of her" he could tell wilbur worried over Timmy sparring alone. He had noticed the bandages on his shoulder, and how he used his left hand to hold the sword even though he knew he was right handed. It was hard to see him hurt like that. He couldn't help but think, what had caused such an injury that he couldn't use his right arm? But he kept his mind shut with it locked away.

"its a perfect  sword Mr Halo!" The blonde exclaimed when he was finished. He couldn't spar long, it did hurt. So he went to his limit and stopped. He offered to hand it back to the man who made it when Bad looked at it with a smile, not taking it. "Why are you handing it to me Theseus?" Tommy smiled. "Your it's owner are you not? It does not belong to me. I was only using it"

Bad laughed as he looked kindly to him. "Theseus, its not mine. Did you see the sign? Which read 'till farther notice'." He was getting somewhere with this. "It was waiting for its owner to come. And he's here now"

Tommy stepped back and looked to the sword which he held. It was worth a lot. If anything it was priceless. All the material used took years to gather, and the engravings took months of perfected technique to do. Was He really just giving it away to him? "Mr Halo. This was your prized possession!" He didn't believe it.

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