part 33

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Wilbur wondered how everything would’ve worked out if he had met Tommy years before. He wished they did, they could’ve done so much and grown so much more. And Wilbur could have learned before this how some of the servants and townsfolk were being treated in his kingdom. He also dreaded how that would have turned out with a younger, more headstrong Wilbur. He was calmer and more well spoken nowadays, fighting battles with his words and wits as opposed to pointed and venomous remarks.

He still delivered those on occasion, of course, but they were more devastating without the clear anger behind them, and he feared what his younger self might have done when faced with Tommy’s confession of his previous living conditions. He would have possibly marched right over to Shlatt’s door and demanded he be able to see the conditions his servants were kept in just to make sure they were comfortable.

He almost was glad things went the way that they did. Seeing as now they were laying on the roof of Tommy’s childhood home, comfortable. He noticed Tommy was humming, and joined in softly. He looked over at the question.

“Yeah, probably….” He paused as Tommy continued. “Would you rather sleep here? I would be perfectly fine with staying as long if you’d allow me.” He smiles, sitting up. He glanced warily towards the edge, before slowly inching his way over. He laughed at the question. “Yes, yes, that would be nice. I’m a bit rusty on getting down from buildings.” He admitted, carefully lowering himself down.

Although hurt he climbed down and offered his help to the prince. He was still doing his job even on his special trip. He helped Wilbur down even when his shoulder hurt, working through the pain till he was safe on the ground. He ignored the sharp feeling from the wound as he smiled. "I would like to spend one night here, in my home" he smiled as Wilbur said it was alright. He wouldn't push to far his luck, he knew his place. His standing. But being a young teen still he wanted somethings in life and wouldn't let the opportunity slip to never have again.

He walked to the small door on the south side of the house, opening it carefully. It had a lock but it wasn't locked for in case someone wanted to be there. The obvious they rarely locked their doors. Crime was very low in this part. They never had a reason and been now, its hidden. Even as A town, bigger then ever before.

"This is where I lived before I grew with Lord Shlatt" he said as he lit a small lamp. The home was had three rooms. A main, a bath and storage and a bed room. In the bed room like he remembered was the two bed areas. One in a frame and one on the floor. He smiled as he sat down on the lower one. He forgot how much he missed it. "Go ahead your Highness. You take the bed in the middle" he smiled. He was just fine on the small make shift mattress. Bad really had kept this place well cleaned and in the same condition his family left it in.

Wilbur made sure to make it as easy on Tommy as possible, really just requesting the boy spot him to make sure the prince didn’t fall. He did still have the muscle memory of climbing up onto the roof of a tower from the window quite frequently when he was younger, and could guess where to place his feet to maneuver down. He smiled at tommy as soon as he landed on the ground, “thank you, Toms. You didn’t kink your shoulder at all, right..?” He asked, checking the wound briefly to make sure himself.

Once they were both safe on the ground, Wilbur nodded and followed Tommy inside. He had to admit, it was relatively comfortable, even if it was much more cramped than what he was used to. That wasn’t a bad thing, though, far from it. It was kind of nice to be in the opposite environment from the towering ceilings and giant rooms of the castle, all connected by winding and extravagant hallways. He couldn’t help a gentle smile as he took in the space. “Its rather nice if I’m being honest.” He admired, spinning around.

Now, the bedroom wasn’t exactly what he was expecting. He frowned gently as Tommy took the smaller bed with no bed frame, but sat on the middle one regardless. “Alright…. Let’s get some rest so we can get up bright and early tomorrow, yeah?” He suggested, a small smile making its way into his features.

Tommy liked how Wilbur didn't mind the small space. Living in a palace was a lovely life sure but personally he liked the small simple cottage life even if he hadn't had it in years. As he gave a small yawn. It being beginning of Autumn it was nice weather. Not hot but not cold at night. Just right for sleeping without a fire. Yet he still had a bit of blankets they brought with them of which he gave Wilbur one and himself one.

"Sleep well Sire.. I'll wake you in the morning" he spoke softly as he laid down. The moon shone through the window allowing him to see through the night. But not enough to prevent his he drifted off quickly. He was tired and ready to sleep. He didn't want to Sleep till He knew Wilbur was comfortable. But it was hard staying up.As slowly with out knowing he laid down and fall asleep.
He smiled a little as he did, being home and at the princes side was a dream come true. He now had Wilbur to thank so much for.

Wilbur laid down on the bed, wrapping the blanket around him. It was surprisingly comfortable, even if it was far from what he was used to. He had to admit, he liked the quant coziness that came with this town. The palace and noble villages close to it were always so extravagant and nearly artificial. He felt like he was walking on eggshells or traversing on a tightrope whenever he left the palace. Few people outside of the high class villages knew his face by memory, and even then most people just assumed based off of the extravagant clothes, guards shadowing him, and circlet resting in his brown curls. But here, at the edge of the empire’s borders?

He didn’t need to worry about keeping face and being anything but himself. He knew they would need to go soon, though. He had been away from his duties for a while, even if he wanted to give Tommy all the time in the world here. He knew they would need to go in the next two days.

He hummed at the statement, “sleep well, toms.” He murmured, slowly allowing himself to relax and try to sleep. It wasn’t difficult to get comfortable and relax, and he quickly found himself falling asleep.

Tommy slept well for a while, the crickets singing outside and a sounding wolves cry every now and then. But after a while he began having troubles. He turned and tried to stay comfortable on the makeshift bed, but it was hard for some reason. A nightmare.

In the past he was known to have night terrors. Nightmares that seem so real to him. but they stopped after a few years. Tonight's had to be the worst he ever faced. Commonly he would wake up from them, but this one he didn't he couldn't.

When he finally could he shot up with a small yelp, he had hit his shoulder a little, as he looked to Wilbur. He was alive.. Thank heavens. But to make sure he got up and walked over. He figured it had only been a few hours since he drifted off. Meaning Sunrise wouldn't come for another couple hours. Seeing Wilbur was okay he sighed and looked back to his bed. He wanted to sleep, but he couldn't there. So he shook wilbur a little.

"Hey.. Um. Can I sleep beside you?" He asked softly hiding tears. It was a large bed, he wouldn't be near the prince. He just didn't want to feel alone for the rest of the night. That and his shoulder hurt. "Its okay if not"

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