120. Adjusting

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You wake up the next morning feeling claustrophobic. You're hardly able to move, and you can already tell that you and Scott aren't the only ones in the bed, without even opening your eyes. Once you do, you're met with Scott's chest, and you look up to see his sleeping face, a bit of drool pooling out of his mouth. You manage to turn your body just enough to see behind you, and Archie is right behind you as well. Looking down at your feet, you see two more members of the Wolfpack sleeping on the bed as well. You can't find the last one. The weight of all the werewolves around you makes it impossible to move, so you just continue to lay down in bed, hoping to doze off again.

Your efforts are in vain however, and you end up lying for 45 slow minutes before being able to move. Archie slowly rolls over, and ends up falling on the floor. There's a yelp of pain, causing everyone else to jerk awake as well. It turns out the last Wolfpack member was on the floor, and Archie landed on him. You suppress the urge to laugh as everyone wakes up. Scott places his hand on your head, petting you. "Sorry, I guess they all wanted to sleep in a pile last night.." "It's okay.." You smile at him sleepily. You sit up and stretch in bed, letting out a yawn. Scott lifts his arm and hooks it around, pulling you back to lay down with him again. He says, "No! I want you allll to myself for a little bit." He wraps himself around you, smiling and sighing. You chuckle and pat his arm, and lay down for a little while longer.

As you lay together, you begin talking. "So, I had a good dream last night.." Scott looks at you, "Really? Me too! What was your dream about?" "It was in my childhood.. I had a dream about the first friend I ever made. They were really nice to me." "That's good! How are they doing?" "I'm not sure.. They moved before I had a phone, so I couldn't keep in touch.. I'm sure they're doing great, though. They were always good at making great friends." "But.. Not as great as us, right?" "Definitely not as great as all of you guys," you kiss his cheek, "I doubt they've even met any monsters.. What was your dream about?" "You!" You chuckle again. "Yeah? And what happened in the dream?" "I don't remember," He chuckles too. "Well.. Then how do you know it was a good dream?" "Because you were in it, duh!" You blush and laugh at him. "Well, I'm glad it made you happy." You both share a long kiss, before being interrupted by a knock at the door. You both jump in surprise and look at the wide open door, seeing Archie with a big smirk on his face. "Breakfast is ready, horndogs." He walks away, back downstairs. You and Scott get out of bed, and hold eachother's hands as you walk down.

When you get downstairs, other Wolfpack members already have the table set up with a plate of food for each person. At the end of the table is an empty seat, a seat you've only ever seen Mawmaw sit in. A member puts a plate of food in front of that seat, and everyone sits down. You all eat in silence. After everyone finishes, Archie gets up and grabs the food at Mawmaw's seat and takes it outside, dumping all the food off the back porch. Scott quietly says, "We've been doing that every night.. Just because.. You know.." You rub Scott's back to comfort him. After a minute, Archie clears his throat and puts a hand on you and Scott's shoulder. "You two are on dish duty. Get to it. We get off at eight." He punches you both in the arm and leaves with another member of the pack. Scott gets up and gathers the dirty dishes while you get the water running.

As you wash the dishes, Scott dries them. While you do them, you make small talk together. Scott asks, "So, what do you want to do today?" "Well, I've got some homework to do still, since we've been busy all weekend. It's still at my place though, so you'd have to take me home real quick if you don't mind." He smiles and his tail wags, "Of course! Anything for you!" You smile back and ask, "So what do they do now? You said they're getting jobs, where are they working?" "They got factory jobs. They all work at the same place. Two of them work on the same days." "How long do they each work?" "Three days a week. Two of them work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other two work Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. They all have Sunday off. Except for today, but that's just because we had to go to the funeral yesterday.." "How long do they work each day?" "If they have school, then six hours. If not, then eight or nine or ten." You nod your head in understanding. You both continue to talk about the Wolfpack's jobs until you finish the dishes. Once you dry off, you go and change into a new set of clothes together. You hold hands with eachother as you walk out to Scott's car, and you get in together, blissfully unaware of the chaos that is about to ensue.

Scott pulls up in front of your house, and says, "See you soon!" He smiles. You say the same thing back to him and smile as well, getting out of the car and walking inside. You enter your house, which appears to be empty, and head to your room to grab your homework. You come back outside to hear the screeching of tires as Scott drives away quickly. In front of you is your mother. She turns around, a look of raging fury on her face. She points at the house. "You. Inside. NOW!"

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now