12. Familiar Voice

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"(Y/N)!" You wake up, but can't open your eyes. "(Y/N)! C'm-n! Mom --d Dad are w--ti-g for us! It's ti-e to open pr---nts!!" Who is this? They sound familiar.. You ask who they are, but when you do, you can't here yourself. They respond, but it's hard to hear. "-ho am I? (Y/-), do-'t be s--ly, i--s me, --a-i--........................................................


You hear more voices. This time, they were familiar. "He's in hear!" You are shaken awake. As you open your eyes, you are surrounded by some people. You see Vera, Miranda, Scott, Vicky, and Amira. Amira speaks up. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.. I didn't know what else to say, I-" "It's fine.. You didn't mean to upset me, so.." You trail off, embarrassed. That classroom is a mess and it's all your fault. "Thank goodness your okay!!" You are suddenly pulled into an embrace that almost kills you. You recognize the smell immediately. It's Scott. You hug back, absorbing yourself into his body. Still, holding him, you ask, "What.. What happened?" Amira talks, this time in a calmer tone, "After your.. Meltdown.. You darted out if the classroom, ignoring Mr. Minotaur calling out to you. I ran after you too." Vera picks it up, "As you turned the corner, you bumped into me, and I got mad. But I noticed you were bleeding, and I tried to stop you from running away, but you were too fast. Amira then turned the corner too, and we started following you." Miranda enters the conversation. "Then Vera and I came across Scott's Haunted Math class, so we entered saying we needed Scott to find you, and that teacher wasn't too happy to let him leave, so naturally, I threatened to have the royal guards execute him if he didn't comply. So then he let Scott go." As Miranda finishes her sentence, you hear heavy footsteps running past the bathroom. Miranda blushes, saying "I never told him he would survive if he DID comply, so..." Vicky finishes. "I was in class with Scott, so I came too because I was worried, and when he found you, we woke you up as fast as we could." After satying silent for a moment, you say, "Thanks guys... I'm feeling better now." Saying this causes Scott to hug you a little tighter, not that you were complaining. After another moment, the bell rings, which causes you to freak out. "Shit, that's the last bell!! What do I do about this?!" You gesture to your entire face. Vera says, "Okay, okay, don't freak out!! Let me think.." After a few seconds, Vera already has a plan. "Okay, Amira, Miranda you two go to Mr. Minotaur's room, and make sure (Y/N) doesn't get in trouble for destroying it. Miranda, your guards are here, so use them to make a point." Miranda let's out an adorable, yet scary laugh. "Amira, you also need to gather all of (Y/N)'s things. I'll text you his locker number and combination." Amira solutes Vera, saying "Yes ma'am!" You consider asking Vera how she knows your combination, but realize that's a stupid question. They run out of the bathroom. "Vicky, you go out in the hall now and make sure Damien isn't anywhere. I don't want things to potentially get worse." Vicky runs out. Vera then pulls out her phone and dials a number. "Hey. You're friend has healing potions, right? ........ Yeah it's for a friend. ...... (Y/N). .... Damien. .......... Kay, thanks sis." Vera hangs up. "Alright. Scott, (Y/N), let's go." Scott lets go of you, and you three leave the bathroom.

You walk down the hallway, with Vera on the left and Scott on the right, to prevent anyone from seeing you. The three of you exit the building, and turn towards the parking lot. You can see Damien, facing the opposite direction being scolded by a blue demon who looks almost exactly like him, and a red, hooded man. You three eventually make your way to Vera's car. Valerie and a woman with purple hair with sunglasses and a fedora are already standing there. Valerie notices and gets the other's attention. Valerie and Vera exchange a quick 'hey sis'. Valerie turns to you, and introduces you to her friend. "Hey (Y/N), this is my friend Aaravi." In a hushed tone, her friend says, "Shut up V! I'm in disguise!!" "Yeah? Disguise from what?" "I can't let people know that I'm helping monsters!! I've never met this kid before, and I'm not revealing my identity!" You suddenly recognize who she is. "Wait, aren't you that monster slayer that's always threatening to kill people, but never actually does anything?" Valerie holds back a laugh, and Aaravi looks dumbfounded. She then grabs you by the collar of your shirt, and says, "Listen here you little twerp, the only reason I don't do anything is because I have gone through a lot in my life, and it is hard to face your fears, especially after someone I love was killed at the hands of one of them." You stare at eachother for a split second before you feel the same sensation you felt earlier.

...................... ."-t'- -e, A----u-!".......................

A wave of electricity flows through you, and you zap Aaravi. You two fall to the ground, and you immediately apologize. "I'm sorry! It's just.. I know how you feel..." You get up, and offer her your hand. She looks at you for a second, and takes it. You help her up, and she looks at you with a mixture of fear, intrigue, confusion, and understanding. Her face flushes red with embarrassment, and she gets out a bottle of red liquid. "Just.. Here! Drink that up and you'll be better in no time. She walks away, and Valerie follows her. She calls back, "See you at home Vera!!" You look at the potion Aaravi gave you. Who is that voice you've heard twice now? Amira gets to Vera's car and gives you your things. You all pile into Vera's car, you and Scott in the back seat. Vera says, "You better drink that. We only have a few minutes left." You take the cork off the bottle, and chug its contents. You're wounds heal instantly. Scott politely asks, "How does it taste?" You reply, "Like home.." You proceed to lean out of the car and vomit. You lean back in and say, the vomit tastes better." Vera and Amira snicker, and Scott pats you on the back, giving you a hearty smile. Your face turns red, and you continue to talk for another minute until Vera stops at the end of your street. As you get out of the car, Scott says, "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" You two smile at eachother, and you make your way home.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now