~ 'Just Follow the Yellow Brick Road'~

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I followed the yellow brick road until I got stuck at a crossroads before the start of a cornfield and I was in the Enchanted Forest, "Now,which way do I go?"

I looked to see a big black wolf approach me and I became frightened until it spelled out it's name in the dirt, "R-U-B-Y" I calmed myself and my heart.

"Oh,Ruby. It's you" I helped her undo her wolf demise and she became a human again, "How did you end up that way,anyway?" Ruby, "It's a curse. It really is."

Ruby, "What are you doing here anyway? Weren't you and Henry kidnapped by Greg and Tamara?" I say, "Yes but I am on a mission" Ruby, "What mission?"

I answer, "A mission to save Henry. The foe that has him is much too powerful for hand holding and I need to save him" Ruby pouts, "I'm such a failure."

I say, "That's not true and even so,how are you a failure,Ruby?" Ruby answers, "I disappoint everyone. My grandma,my mom who is dead and I don't even know who my dad is."

I say to her, "I don't know my father either but that doesn't make me a failure. Tell you what,how about you come with me?" Ruby beams at the chance, "Really? Can I come with you?" I say, "Why of course you can."

As we took off down the yellow brick road,we both started to sing, "We're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!" I was surprised that Ruby knew the song too.

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