~The Strangeness of Little Red Riding Hood~

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This morning had to have been the craziest one ever because Ruby has not been acting like herself. I didn't see her this morning when I woke up from my tent and I saw her with this guy,Billy.

She stole a bouquet of flowers for him. I know Ruby,she can be curious and mischievous but she would never steal. Granny raised her the old fashioned way.

I say, "I can't believe it,Artemis,did you see Ruby take those flowers?" Artemis, "I don't know what she was thinking. I know that she is allergic to flowers because of her wolf thing."

I say, "Ruby. We saw you take those flowers without paying for them. Ruby,you've never stolen anything in your life. I thought your grandma raised you better."

Billy, "Correction. Ruby has stolen my heart. You probably don't remember me,I was Billy up in Storybrooke" I say with a grin, "Yeah,I remember. You were an auto mechanic and Ruby killed you with her wolf form when she shifted for the first time in 28 years in Storybrooke."

Ruby, "Yeah,stay out of it." She began to sneeze because of the flowers and she wiped her snot on someone's rag. Artemis, "What is going on here?"

I say, "It's obvious,isn't it? Ruby just stole those flowers to give it to Billy." Artemis, "Stealing? That doesn't sound like you,Ruby." Ruby rolls her eyes, "Oh,big deal. I stole something that grows from the ground."

Ruby, "Let's bounce,Billy. It's just no more fun here" They walked away and I said to Artemis, "See? She is acting weird" Artemis, "Yes,she is. It doesn't make sense. Since Billy is back,she should be influenced to do good. Let's find out what is going on."

I ask, "How are we going to do that?" Artemis came up with an idea, "Let's talk to some Guardian Angels." I say, "Artemis,in case you haven't noticed,we are not at Mount Olympus currently."

She says, "Yes, I know that but there are secret doors and they are always near something that has to do with angels." I say, "Even in this realm?" She answers, "Especially in this realm."

I say, "Let's do it!" We got on the carpet and we rode until we found a door and Artemis knocked and a girl popped out, "Ok. What are you two doing?"

I said, "Official Brick Checker. Everything seems to be in order" She says, "You three are worried about somebody,huh? Let me guess,it is your friend,Ruby."

I say, "Yes but how do you know that?" She said, "I can feel it" Artemis asks her, "Who are you?" She says, "I'm Chyna,a Guardian Angel in Training. I know who you are Artemis."

Chyna continues, "The goddess of wild animals,the hunt,vegetation,chastity and childbirth. The great carpet from Agrabah and Sasha,the greatest hero of all time."

I ask, "Well,Chyna. Can you show us where the Guardian Angel Dispatch Center is?" Chyna, "Yes. I finally get to help someone. People don't let me help because I am too young."

She opens a door and says, "We have to hurry because the light attracts moths so just squint and run." We followed her in through the blinding light and fog.

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