~The Frabjous Day Battle~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Cutting off pieces from the body,slaying,scary images.

It was finally time for the battle. I got my armor on and I was on top of the Bandersnatch as I made my entrance. I smiled at everyone and they did me before we took off to the battlefield so the foretold battle can take place.

We finally arrived and the two queens of the land- Mirana,the White Queen and Cora,the Red Queen also known as 'The Queen of Hearts' met in the middle of the battlefield.

I got off the Bandersnatch as I waited beside the Hatter for the next actions. McTwisp blew his trumpet and he announces, "On,this the Frabjous Day. The Queens,Red and White shall send forth their champions to do battle on their behalf."

Cora shouts again, "No! It is my crown! I am the eldest! Jabberwocky!" The Queens backed away from each other and I said to Jefferson, "This is impossible" he replies with, "Only if you believe it is."

I say, "Sometimes, I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast" Jefferson, "That is an excellent practice. However,just at the moment. You really might want to focus on the Jabberwocky."

The dragon-like beast they call the 'Jabberwocky' suddenly appeared before us:

Cora smirks, "Where's your champion,sister?" I appeared beside Mirana with a shield and the Vorpal sword in both of my hands, "Here" I kept my eyes on the beast as she says, "Hello,Um

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Cora smirks, "Where's your champion,sister?" I appeared beside Mirana with a shield and the Vorpal sword in both of my hands, "Here" I kept my eyes on the beast as she says, "Hello,Um."

They all moved aside as both me and the Jabberwocky began to battle, "Six impossible things. Count them,Sasha:

1. There's a potion that can make you shrink.
2. There's a cake that can make you grow."

The Jabberwocky spoke, "So,my old foe. We meet on the battlefield once again" I was confused, "We've never met" Jabberwocky, "Not you,insignificant bearer. My ancient enemy. The Vorpal one."

I said, "That's enough chatter" And I cut his tongue off. He swung his tail and I fell to the ground,I add:

3. Animals can talk."

I rolled over before he could smash me and I grabbed my sword, "Four,Sasha."

4. "Cats can disappear."

I tried to strike him but I kept missing. He blew his purple fire at me but I used my shield as protection and to defend myself.

5. "There's a place called, 'Wonderland."

6. "I can slay the Jabberwocky."

I fought back with every bit of bravery and courage I had inside of me and I ducked with each one of his blows. I ran underneath him but when I was struck again, I lost my sword this time.

Jefferson struck the Jabberwocky, "The Hatter's interfering! Off with his head!" Cora shouts and that was how everyone else started to fight their own battles against each other.

I grabbed my sword and made a break for it as I began my climb up the homemade brick castle with the Jabberwocky not that far behind me.

I had to jump a few times because some of the steps were missing. It was all quiet for a moment before he popped his head out from behind me but I ran and hid behind a giant pillar this time before he swung at me again.

I had to roll before he stepped on me and I was almost to the top. He got in front of me but I ducked beneath him,just missing his jaws. When I got to the top, I realized that there was no place else for me to go.

The beast roars at me but I tricked him until I got to ride him,which resulted with him hosting me up in the air which was perfect because I raised my sword, "Off with your head!"

And I slayed the Jabberwocky right then and there. His head rolled down the many steps of the stairs on the battlefield before his eyes went out forever and everyone including me fell into shock at my actions.

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