~Quite a Common Fairy~

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Previously on 'Once Upon A Time...'

(Henry) "Who are you?" (Pan) "Peter Pan."

(Regina) "This TinkerBell is not going to help us."

(Snow) "You know where Pan is?" (TB) "Sure."

(David) "The arrow barely nicked me. How long?" (Hook) "Days. Weeks at most."

(Pan to Henry) "You were created for a reason and I can help you find it."

(Young Baelfire to Rumple) "No! Papa! No!"

(Belle to Rumple) "You're not coming back,are you?"

(Rumple to Belle) "I must do this to honor Baelfire."

(Neal to Robin and Mulan) "I know how to get to Neverland."


I drew a map in the dirt, "This is where they are keeping Henry. According to TB,this is what Pan's compound looks like" Emma, "She says that there are sentries positioned across the front which is why we are going to come in through the back entrance here." Melinoe finishes, "She is going to talk her way in."

Emma, "Once she makes sure the coast is clear,then we are going to sneak on in" TB, "You will still have to deal with any lost boys" Regina, "I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks." TB, "It's not the sticks you have to worry about. It's the poison they are dipped in" I say, "Leave the lost boys to me."

Killian, "I wouldn't doubt her. The lass has years of karate and gymnastics training behind her" I nod my head at the motion, "I used to climb all over the furniture. My mom had to have me do something."

Emma, "Dreamshade. Hook warned us." TB, "Good." Charming, "Now,when can we put this rescue mission into action?" TB, "I'm ready to go just as soon as someone tells me the exit plan."

We looked around confused. TB, "You do have an exit plan,right?" Snow, "It was sort of a last minute trip" TB, "If you don't have a way off this island,then none of this matters."

I said to her, "We'll figure it out" TB, "You'll figure it out?" She came at me with defensive words and I said, "What's that supposed to mean?"

TB, "Nobody comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time. I am not sticking my head on Pan's chopping block without a way off this island. When you figure that out,you know where I live."

She walked off and David said, "I'll bring her back" I said, "Don't bother. She's right. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

David, "What about you,Hook? Have you ever gotten off this island before?" Killian, "Yes,aboard my ship which would require some form of magic to create a portal."

Emma, "Which?" Hook, "In a deal that I don't think he is ready to repeat" Regina, "So no one has ever gotten off of Neverland without Pan's permission."

Hook points to Emma, "One man. Her partner in crime,Neal" Emma, "How?" I say, "Maybe we can find out." We actually did find Neal's hideout when he was on Neverland as a boy and as Baelfire.

Neal once drew a star map out of a coconut in his old hideout but being with Killian,it is a secret star map but the star map is a map made out of stars that is supposed to direct us to the way home.

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