~Leaving The Emerald City~

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We took Zelena's broom back to the Emerald City and we saw Oz again, "I can't believe my eyes! Why have you come back?" I say, "Please,sir,we've done what you've told us. We've brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West."

I say, "We've melted her!" Oz, "You liquidated her,eh? Very resourceful" I smile, "Yes,sir. So we'd like you to keep your promise if you please..." Oz, "Not so fast..."

Oz, "I will have to give them a little thought! Go away and come back tomorrow!" I ask, "Tomorrow? But I would like to save Henry now!" Artemis, "You've had plenty of time already!"

I say, "If you are really so great and powerful than you'd keep your promises!" Oz, "Do you presume to criticize the great and powerful Oz?" But then we noticed that Melinoe pulled the curtain back to reveal a man.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" I pull the curtain back, "Who are you?" Man, "I am the great and powerful Wizard of Oz!" I ask, "You are?"

I say, "I don't believe you" Man, "I am afraid it's true. There is no other wizard except me here" Ruby shouts, "You humbug!" Man, "That's exactly what I am: a humbug."

I say, "You are a very bad man" Oz, "Oh,no,my dear. I'm a very good man. I am just a very bad wizard." Ruby, "What about passage back to Agrabah for the carpet? Passage back to Mount Olympus for Artemis?"

Ruby, "Passage for me to get back home to Storybrooke? My grandma is probably worried sick about me. Passage for Sasha and Melinoe to rescue Henry?!"

Oz, "Well anyone can have those things" Artemis, "Well,how could we ever thank you?" Man, "By listening to what I have to tell you all" I say, "I don't think there is anything in that black bag for me."

Oz, "Well,the only way to get her back where she needs to be is for me to take her there myself!" The plan was to take me and Melinoe to Neverland where he would drop us off there.

That didn't work out as we missed the balloon ride. I say, "Oh no,now I am never going to rescue Henry" My friends comforted me until Tiger Lily showed up again but this time in a bubble.

All the munchkins bowed in the presence of Tiger Lily and I said, "Oh,Tiger,will you help me? Please?" She smiles, "You don't need to be helped any longer."

Lily, "You always had the power to save Henry back in Neverland" I asked out loud, "I have?" Ruby, "Well,why didn't you tell her before all of this happened?"

Tiger, "Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it for herself" Artemis, "What did you learn,Sasha?" I say, "Well, I think it wasn't enough to save Henry and see everybody and if I am ever am separated from them again than I wouldn't go any further than from what I already know."

I continue, "That was what there was never lost to begin with. Is that right?" Lily, "That is all it is" Ruby, "That was so easy. I couldn't thought of it for you."

Artemis, "I could've felt it in my heart" Tiger, "No, she had to figure it out for herself. Now,those magic slippers will take you to Neverland in two seconds."

I asked her, "Now?" Lily, "Whenever you wish" I say, "That's too wonderful to be true!" Me and Ruby hug, "I'll see you in Storybrooke!" We smile and I look at the carpet and Artemis, "It's going to be hard to say goodbye."

I say, "Goodbye,Artemis" She and I hug along with me and the carpet, "Goodbye,Carpet. Tell Jasmine and Aladdin that I say, "Thank you" and safe travels back to Agrabah!" He nods at me.

Tiger Lily, "Are you ready to save Henry now?" I say, "Yes" Lily, "Close your eyes" I do, "Tap your heels together three times" I do, "And think of the place where you would like to go right now."

I do as she says and I say, "Neverland. Neverland. Neverland." I said that over and over.

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