~A Couple of Squirrels~

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I was sitting by the window sill later that night when Merlin joined me, "Oh,Merlin. It's you" Merlin, "Yes,my lass. Now,have you ever considered being a squirrel?"

I respond with, "I don't suppose" Merlin, "Well,now there is a tiny creature with enormous problems. How they have survived throughout the ages is one of nature's big mysteries."

Merlin, "His life is hazardous. Downright dangerous. Would you like to try it?" I say, "I'd better not" Merlin, "Oh. Is it too dangerous for you,eh?"

I say, "No,it's not that. Actually, I don't know what it is. Something inside keeps telling me that I can't do this. That I can't do any of this" Merlin, "Indeed but remember what I said,you never know unless you try,child."

Merlin, "What a medieval middle and we will have to modernize it." He hugs me and comforts me and makes me feel better at the conflicts that I have been feeling lately.

It was that next afternoon that we were going to give the squirrel thing a try. "Sasha! Sasha. Take it easy. Take it easy,girl." I was actually able to jump to another branch as a squirrel but I fell and landed on another branch.

Merlin, "Now,what did I tell you? Always look before you leap" I ask, "Well, I made it,didn't I?" Merlin, "Yes,you made it but you can't always trust to luck,girl."

Merlin, "First,you start with the short jumps. Gauge the distance carefully and there you see? Even then you can miss?" He slipped as he tried to demonstrate a proper squirrel jump to me.

Merlin, "Don't take gravity too lightly or it'll catch up with you" Ruby, "What's gravity?" We look at her and she says, "What? I dropped out of school."

I say, "Gravity is what causes you to fall" Ruby, "Oh,like a stumble or a trip?" Merlin, "Yes,like a stumble or a...Wait,no. It's the force that pulls you downward."

I add, "The phenomenon that any two material particles or bodies. If free to move,will be accelerated toward each other." I ran into another squirrel that was a boy.

I smiled at him to be nice to him but he would not let me pass him. I ask, "Merlin,how are we going to pass?" Merlin, "Hmm? Oh. We better go back to a sidetrack."

The boy squirrel would not stop following me, "Go on. You've got lots of room." Merlin, "Well, I guess he can't be sidetracked. That's a boy squirrel and a redhead at that."

He was very nerdy and got excited whenever he touched me but there was something about his touch didn't feel right. I didn't like it at all. I felt like he was really invading my personal space.

I say, "He sure acts funny" Merlin, "I think he likes you" I ask, "Why?" Merlin, "Well,that's nature again. But I'm afraid there's no time to explain. Here now, you'd better leave me out of it."

I say, "Yeah. Me too" he tried to grab ahold of me and hug me, "Merlin! Merlin!" Merlin, "Figure it out on your own,lassie! I'm afraid magic cannot solve this problem."

I say, "I'm not a squirrel. I'm a girl. A human girl. I'm not a real squirrel" he kissed me but I did not like it but I remembered what Tiger Lily told me about Pan being my soulmate and it all made sense to me.

I say to him, "Leave me alone! Merlin, what do I do? He won't leave me alone" Merlin, "I'm afraid that you are stuck,lassie. When a boy squirrel chooses a mate,it is for life."

My eyes widen, "A mate? For life? No! I have a soulmate! This can't be happening! But I won't be a squirrel tomorrow" Merlin, "He doesn't know that. He only knows one simple fact: That you are a "she" and he is a "he."

Merlin, "It's a natural phenomenon" I question, "Phenomenon?" Merlin, "Well,it's a state of being a frame of mind. It's a most befuddling thing. And to every being of every kind it is discombobulated."

I said, "Merlin,I'm tired of being a squirrel. It's nothing but trouble" but he didn't listen before he landed on a tree branch that was about to burst, "Help. Merlin. Help!"

The branch fell and cracked above a wolf. I tried to run but my giant squirrel tail got trapped underneath the branch and the wolf was holding it there."

Before he could eat me,the boy squirrel freed me by biting on the wolf's leg. He looked at me and he hugged me again. After my life was saved,I shout, "Merlin!" He smiled as he returned to his human form.

I say, "Quick!" I think and I changed back into my human form, "I'm not a squirrel" The boy squirrel became confused, "I'm a girl. I tried to tell you."

The male squirrel began to cry, "If only you could understand" Merlin, "You know,Sasha. Love is a powerful thing" I ask, "Greater than gravity?" Merlin, "Yes,Sasha,in its way. I'd say it's the greatest force on Earth."

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