~The Red Queen~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Height differences,mentions of animal cruelty

Bayard, "There is only one way across" I get off him and I say to myself, "Lost my "muchness" haven't I?" I was able to use their faces as stepping stones and I made it across.

I found a mouse hole that I could crawl into the castle but first I yelled, "Ruby! The hat!" I point up and she picked up the hat,she twirls and releases it into the air where it flew above the castle walls and I crawled through the little space.

I watched as the Red Queen and her subjects played a game of what looked like croquet and after she swung a hedgehog with a flamingo,she yells, "Where's my ball? Page!"

I ran towards the hedgehog and I was trying to help him but he was squirming way too much, "Ssh. I'm trying to help you." He stopped and ran away when he noticed McTwisp running through the bushes.

He gives me a look, "Well,if it isn't the wrong 'Sasha?' What brings you here,hmm?" I tell him, "I've come to rescue Jefferson" he remarks, "Well,you are not rescuing anyone being the size of a gerbil."

I ask him, "Do you happen to have anything that can make me grow?" He is taken back, "Upelkuchen?" He thinks for a moment, "Actually,I think I might have some left."

He gave some to me and I ate it, "Not all of it!" I drop it and I immediately grew to the size of a giant, "No,no! Stop! Don't do that!" The Red Queen and her subjects approach, "Page!"

Thank god the trees and the bushes covered me because I outgrew the tiny dress that Jefferson made for me. Cora looks at me, "And what is this?"

McTwisp, "It's a "who," your Majesty. This is, "Um." He tried to think of a name for me but he couldn't but it gave me an idea. Cora, "Um?" I say, "From 'Umbrage."

She asks me, "What happened to your clothes?" I made up a story, "I outgrew them. I've been growing an awful lot lately. I tower over everyone in Umbrage. They laugh at me. So I've come to you,hoping that you might understand what it's like."

She smiles, "My dear girl,anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court. Someone find her some clothes,use the curtains if you must but clothe this enormous girl." I gave her a convincing smile at the fact that she just bought my fake story.

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