~The Echo Caves~

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Now,we have Emma learning how to control her gift as the Savior. Regina, "Concentrate. Focus" Emma, "It's kind of hard with you with you yelling in my ear." Regina, "And when it's raining or the wind blows or when someone is shooting arrows at you. Yes,concentration is hard but that is the point. Find your anger and use it to focus."

Emma, "There has to be a way to do it without going dark" Regina, "You are such a pathetic waste of ability" I say, "Regina,don't say that" but Emma was able to create smoke after being mad at Regina for that split second. Hook told us that Pan told him that Neal is alive and that he is here in Neverland.

We didn't know if it was one of Pan's tricks or if that sick fucker was telling the truth because when Emma saw him last,he was shot by Tamara and he fell through a portal. His injury was so serious,she believed that he died no matter what land he landed himself in when he fell into that portal.

They tried to hide the truth from Emma but she is not stupid and neither was Snow when she revealed it to her, "Neal's alive! I'm sorry,she had a right to know." Regina, "This is a waste of time. He is toying with us" Snow, "I don't think so" She points out something obvious, "Look. More scuffling. Someone was definitely resisting."

I ask, "But how do we know that was Neal?" Snow, "It does mean that someone was fighting for their life" I nod at that and Regina says, "Are we really going to fall for this? Fine. You want to follow the Evil Munchkins dirt road. Be my guest." I say, "I've been to Oz. There are no Munchkins here,just the lost boys but I do see your point!"

I ask her, "Where are you going?" Regina, "To save Henry" I say, "We need to stick together" Regina, "No,we don't. They may be prepared to risk Henry's life over some heartbroken fool's errand,but I'm not. I am tired of walking around."

Regina left the group after that and our next step: To save Henry,who is now trapped in the Echo Caves. Hook told us that the name has a saying, 'The deeper the lie,the more truth in its echo.'

The only way to rescue someone from inside the cave is to reveal a secret. A secret that no one else but you knows. Hook, "The cave demands that you reveal a truth about yourself. A secret you would never admit to anyone."

Emma, "Even if we spill our guts,how do we know Neal's still alive in there?" Hook, "Because this is what Pan wants. He wants us to rescue him." Snow, "Why?" Hook, "So that we reveal our secrets. He believes once we do,our secrets will destroy us."

Killian revealed that he had kissed Emma but that she had told Mary Margaret and that she told her that it was just a kiss with no strings attached.

Killian's real secret was what the kiss exposed for him. He believed that he could never find love again after Rumplestiltskin killed his first love,Milah.

Milah was Rumplestiltskin's first wife and Baelfire's mother but she cheated on Rumple with Killian because Rumple was known as the town coward before he became the "dark one."

Mary Margaret's secret was that she wants another baby because she never got to raise Emma. David exposed his secret that because he got shot with Neverland that he is trapped here on Neverland.

I said, "I'll go next" I cleared my throat and I began, "I know that everyone here knows that Pan is my soulmate,supposedly. My secret is that I am afraid. Even though I am claustrophobic,I'm afraid of failing my Henry mission, I am afraid of not being a good mother figure to Melinoe. I'm afraid of a lot of things but the thing that terrifies me the most that I have never told anyone is that I am afraid of getting my heart broken if I do fall in love."

A part of the bridge was added. Melinoe didn't really have anything to reveal so her part was shared between Emma and Neal. Emma revealed her secret of wishing that Neal was gone so that she wouldn't have to deal with the pain again because she has never stopped loving Neal. He was free and we escaped the Echo Caves.

Snow was now not on good speaking terms with David after he exposed his secret. Neal revealed that he is never going to stop fighting for Emma.

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