~Return to Neverland~

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I thought we would end up in the Enchanted Forest with the others but when we landed and I looked around, I saw that me and Melinoe were back in Neverland.

I grabbed her hand and I said, "Come with me,honey." We marched into Pan's campsite and I said to her, "Go into one of those tents,okay?" She nods and she ran into one while I marched up to Pan,who was sitting on a log, "Look, I know I saved your life by sending you here and all but what the hell did you do?"

He smirks, "Wow. Okay. It would've been nice if you said, "It's nice to see you again,Peter" but I guess this will suffice. I got you and Melinoe here because I know that you are my soulmate."

I felt defeated and I rolled my eyes, "Okay. You've caught me. Yes,me and you are soulmates but that still doesn't answer my question of, 'How did I end up here?"

That is when Tiger Lily entered the campsite, "I can answer that. I sent you back here. Come with me." I call out, "Melinoe!" She comes out of a tent and she grabbed my hand when I held it out for her.

She said, "Do not make me go in there again. It smelled like rotting meat" I laugh and she says, "Where are we going?" I look at TL, "We are going to follow this nice lady. She summoned us back to Neverland."

I glance at Peter, "Are you coming?" He smiles and he follows us to the Indian camp on the other side of the island. It was once thought to be deserted but when I first came here,it was revealed to me that they survived but were hidden.

When I told them of the situation between me and Pan,they agreed to let us in. The music silenced when we entered but when they saw me,they cheered loudly like school kids getting out of school for the summer.

They were once again silenced as the Chief entered. He stood in front of me, "How" I did the same, "How." He did a bunch of symbols as he began to deliver an oration in sign language.

He pointed to me and it meant, 'Sasha King,mighty warrior. Save Henry Mills and completed your mission. Make big Chief heap glad.'

All the female Indians did my hair as the males did my war paint as the Chief announces, "Make Sasha King heap big Chief." He placed a big feather headpiece on my head and I bowed down before him as he continues, "You now, 'Little Flying Eagle." Everyone celebrated me and my new title.

We had a party with the Indians that night but before we left, Tiger Lily pulled me aside, "Once again,congratulations on completing your mission." I say, "Thank you!"

TL, "I trust things are going well between you and Pan?" I say, "Yes. Beginning but okay. I did see him as an enemy before because he took Henry but now that feeling is starting to change."

She smiles, "That's because it's happening. The soulmate thing is finally happening." TL, "Anyways,the reason I pulled you aside is even though your ruby slippers are gorgeous looking,they must be uncomfortable,right?"

I groan, "Now,that you mention it. Yes,they are extremely uncomfortable." She smiles, "I thought so. Let's change them into something more comfortable and in this century."

I smiled, "I agree" She waves her wand and the shoes transformed my phone into a ruby phone. I ask, "Why? How?" She smiles, "I told you that it would be more of this century but I did add a modernized touch to it." I smile, "Thank you!" She smiles back, "You're welcome!"

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