~The New Neverland~

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Emma, "What the hell did Pan try to do to Henry? And more importantly,what the hell did you do,Sasha?" I say, "Well,if it wasn't for me,Henry would've offered his heart to Pan on his own free will."

Emma, "But he does have Pandora's box that contains Gold" Snow replies, "Without Gold,David has no way of returning home to Storybrooke."

Emma looks to Neal, "You were a lost boy. Do you know where he might've gone?" Neal, "I knew where he lived and his compound" Regina rolls her eyes, "That's idiotic. We all know that. Do you really think that he is stupid enough to go back?"

Emma, "Enough" Regina, "Do not tell me what is enough. Henry and now,Sasha are probably in danger" Emma, "I know how you feel" Regina, "You have no idea what I feel. You have your parents. You have this person. A pirate,who pins for you. You have everything and yet you claim to know how I feel? All I have is Henry and Sasha and I am not about to lose them because they are everything."

Emma, "You are right. I do not know how you feel. So what do we do? How do we save Henry and Sasha?" Regina, "I don't know" Neal, "Even if we can find Pan,he was powerful before. I don't know."

Snow was still in utter dismay, "Gold is still in a box and David can never leave the island" David, "Mary Margaret,that doesn't matter. I've already made peace with that. What matters is Henry and Sasha."

Neal, "If he's airborne,he could be anywhere on the island" Hook, "I suggest we start looking" Regina ignores Hook and marches up to Felix, "Where is he?"

Felix, "Gone. There is nothing you can do. Pan never fails" Regina, "You won't talk? How about I make you talk?" Emma, "Regina wait" Regina, "There is no time!"

She and Regina have a conversation but I came up with an idea, "Regina is right. We tried to be cute and cuddly but they don't answer to reason. Let me talk to them."

They nod and I began, "Hi,everybody. I'm Sasha. I'm not going to tell you the story of how I am a hero but I will tell you that I am an adoptive child as well. It is still to this day that the identity of my biological father is unknown to me."

I say, "I understand what it is like to have bad parents. I believe that I was rescued by my adoptive family. They changed me for the better and they have turned my life around. They gave me a chance for a future of my own."

I continue, "You must be thinking things like, 'They are taking us away from Pan and Neverland.' All of you are right to think that but I promise you,if you at least tell me,you might be able to have a happy ending."

Felix came up to me and I thought he was going to hurt me but he instead,hugged me and he whispers in my ear, "I only feel comfortable telling you."

Before Felix could speak,a little boy spoke, "Can you really bring us home?" I calmed Felix down because he believed he was betraying Pan,that they all were.

Emma, "Yes,with your help" The lost boy answers, "His thinking tree" Felix grew horrified, "No!" Hook held him down as another one came forward, "Yes,his thinking tree."

Felix, "Stop it! All of you!" I ask, "What is that?" Lost boy, "It is where he goes when he wants to be alone" Lost boy, "You can find him there. It is not far."

Lost boy, "But you have to promise that you'll take us with you" I say, "I promise. We are going home." Regina, "The Pixie Woods? That's where he is?"

Lost boy, "It is just north of here. It's where the pixie dust used to grow" Emma looks to Hook, "You know where that is?" Hook, "Aye. That whole region is deserted now. No one but Pan has set foot in those woods in centuries."

Neal, "Then let's make history" I say to Neal, "We're going to need you here. It is going to be a race back and we will need help on both ends." Neal nods, "Okay."

David, "What do you need from us?" Neal, "Let's gather up the Lost Boys. Get them aboard the Jolly Roger." The lost boys exclaimed with excitement.

Neal, "Prepare the ship to fly" Hook, "Let's hope you have a Pegasus sail. Otherwise,we're at the mercy of the trade." Neal, "Pan's shadow is in here. It'll get us home,long as your ship holds together."

Hook, "As long as your plan holds together,she will" Neal planned for Henry to be with him. Emma was going to go along with Hook but Mary Margaret decided to go along with them because she wanted to spend her last moments with her daughter.

I had Melinoe stay close with me and she held a firm grip on my hand. We followed Neal onto the Jolly Roger with Henry in tow. We gave Henry the Captain's Quarters room,which is the best room on the ship according to Hook.

Henry went down to sleep but when he re-entered the scene,he didn't seem like himself,especially after we heard commotion below deck just before Henry came up on the deck of the infamous pirate ship.

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