~A New Introduction~

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I could barely sleep that night because after I awoke from my sleeping curse, I kept visiting this land in my dreams,where there was nothing but red curtains and fire and it was scary.

I remember Snow talking to me about what it was called- 'The Netherworlds.' I planned to just take Melinoe and never speak to her father again.

When Melinoe arrived from school,I told her everything, "Would you like to come home with me?" She smiles, "Yes,of course!" I say, "Ok,get ready because we are going now."

I opened a portal but Hades stopped me, "Sasha! When are you going to start talking to me again? When you run off with Melinoe when I see you again to exchange her? You need to say something."

I knelt down to Melinoe and I said, "Mel,honey. Go to your room for a while,okay?" She smiles, "Okay" and she runs off.

I marched up to him, "Why? Because you didn't when you and Zelena teamed up to destroy me. You didn't tell me anything!" Hades, "At first, I didn't know who you were and I didn't know that we would become close."

I say, "But we did and you still didn't tell me" Hades, "I know" and I continue, "So what,were you afraid of? Worrying me? Me not trusting you?"

Hades, "No,I didn't think" I say, "No,you didn't-you didn't think at all. You never do! You didn't think that I had a right to know that you two had an alliance to end my life?"

I say, "Why didn't you tell me when I had the right to know. Knowing that my own life was at stake!" Hades, "I was scared!" I say, "Did you think I wouldn't help you raise Melinoe after you told me? After everything I have been through up to this point? Did you think I would ever leave a child without parents?"

Hades, "No,I knew you wouldn't. That is what scared me. I didn't want that for you. I didn't want to force you to have to make a decision where it includes a child's life and future."

Hades, "The price of this was something that I didn't want to force on you." I say, "Persephone chose me. She chose me because she trusts me with her daughter's life."

I say, "She knew what she was going to do. She wanted to make sure that Melinoe was taken care of. Melinoe was Persephone's main priority. The only priority that she ever had in her life. Love means looking out for one another."

Hades smiles, "Yes, I know. It also means sacrifice and protecting the people you love. A part of me does not want you to feel forced to raise Melinoe."

I say, "I would happily raise Melinoe in her mother's place and help you do it for the rest of my days until she turned 18 but even then, I would still help her until my last dying breath!"

He brings me in for a hug and I whisper, "Whoa! He hugs too!" He laughs as I cuddle into him, "Look at you!" He jokes, "You are like a little bear cub."

I say, "But you should have told me" He says, "I know. I'm sorry." I say, "You didn't believe,Hades. You needed to believe in us as parents for Melinoe."

I then fell asleep suddenly...

Hades' POV:

I call again, "Zelena?" She pops in, "What now?" I point to Sasha, "Any reason to explain this?" She says, "Oh,yes. Well,this is a must be a side effect after I placed that sleeping curse on her. Did I forget to mention that?"

I shout, "YES,YOU DID!" She smirks, "Oops. Talk soon! Bye bye!" And she vanishes. Sasha wakes up, "Oh,what happened?" I say, "It is a side effect of the sleeping curse Zelena put on you. You will fall asleep at random times." I shrug, "Oh,well. You live,you learn,right?" He smiles at my sense of humor, "Absolutely."

Sasha's POV:

I heard a voice, a voice that was recognizable, "Sasha?" I saw that it is Megara, "Meg?" We hug and I say, "See? You have friends!" She laughs and I ask her, "What are you doing here?"

She says, "I was killed by Cerberus and that is how I am here." I ask, "Cerberus? The big three headed dog?" She says, "Yes" and I say, "Excuse me a second."

I ran out to find that dog and I yell, "BAD DOG! HOW DARE YOU! YOU KILLED MEG!!" I didn't hit him or anything,I could never do that to an animal but he killed my friend.

I came back and I said, "That felt good. I am not going to lie. Don't worry,Meg. I am going to get you out of here." A presence appeared and it was my own godson,Hercules and my friends,Ruby and the carpet along with another woman.

I say, "Herc,not that I am not happy to see you again but what are you doing here?" Hercules, "I came to rescue you and Meg" I look at the carpet and Ruby, "Where the hell were you two? I got trapped here and you two left me here?"

Ruby, "We went to go and find help and we did with Hercules and Artemis." I look at the lady, "And I am guessing that is who you are." Artemis answers, "Yes and I am to join you on your mission to rescue Henry at the request of Zeus and Hera."

I smile, "Very well. I can't decline that offer. He must know what he is doing if he requested you to join us." She nods her head and it goes silent. I look at Ruby and the carpet, "Thank you both for getting help."

Ruby smiles, "You're welcome!" Hercules runs to Meg and they hug, "I thought I would never see you again." Meg smiles, "Neither did I."

"We're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

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