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When I returned to Neverland,the effects of what happened still did not wear off of me, I said, "Melinoe,go play with the boys" She smiles, "Okay."

Peter came up to me to try and hug me, "I'm glad you are okay." He did realize that my mood was off putting, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I said, "I just want to be alone for a while" I walked away into our treehouse and I locked the door with my powerful magic and that is where I stayed for 8 days,not sleeping nor drinking or eating anything.

Peter decided it was a good idea for me to get away from Neverland for a while and when I stepped outside for the first time on that 9th day,he said that he would watch over the boys and Melinoe for me.

I agreed as it would be best for me and I went to Storybrooke. I went and stayed with them as I visited.

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