~The Guardian Angels and The Moral Compass~

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of "Murder"

Chyna, "This is where the calls come in" She said as harps played and as angels mingled with one another. Chyna, "It is also where Guardian Angels are dispatched to help people all over the world. These are the poles they slide down. That is the Moral Compass."

I ask Chyna, "What does the Moral Compass do?" Chyna, "When it is pointed to "Good" it gives Guardian Angels the power to help people and to make good choices."

Artemis, "What if it is pointed to "Bad?" Chyna, "That could only happen if the Angels of Darkness take over. Then everyone everywhere would act terrible to each other. That's a scary thought, I just got chills."

Florence, "Chyna, I am impressed with your enthusiasm but I am getting exhausted from asking you time and time again to stop sniffing out people,who are in trouble."

The phone rings and she answers, "Guardian Angel Dispatch. Thank you!" She announces, "Angel 51, see the boy about to give a wedgie." An angel left as soon as she announced it.

Chyna, "Let me take that one and let me get my wings,please!" Florence, "Chyna,you know what happens to angels who get their wings before they are ready?"

Chyna, "What?" Florence, "I don't know because nobody gets their wings before they're ready." I say, "I am sorry to interrupt but my friend is suddenly acting bad and the weird part is that her boyfriend was dead but is now somehow,somewhat alive again after she killed him a long time ago back in a different land."

I continue, "I mean,shouldn't he be steering her to make good choices" Florence, "Well,that is what we do when they are not looking for trouble. How about I dispatch a Guardian Angel to check on your friend?"

I say, "Yes,please. Thank you." She announces, "Bear,you're up." He goes down the pole and I say, "He is kind of cute. Thank you!" He shouts up, "Your welcome!"

I make sure to thank Chyna, "Thank you,Chyna and good luck getting your wings." Chyna, "Wait,let me come with you. I can help more." I say, "No. I already have Melinoe,Artemis,the carpet and Ruby. I don't really need any more people joining me right now."

I disappeared along with the carpet,Melinoe and Artemis. Chyna, "But the more people I help,the closer I am to getting my wings! Give me a chance."

I gave into her puppy dog eyes, "Fine" Just then, I saw Ruby destroy someone's groceries in her wolf form and I say, "That's the meanest thing I have ever seen Ruby do. Where is the Guardian Angel they sent her?"

Chyna, "Wait. That's Billy" I ask, "Yeah,how do you know him?" Chyna, "He was my cousin when he was a Guardian Angel. Billy is an Angel of Darkness now. He was Ruby's guardian angel but he fell from Heaven and is now a Fallen Angel. He was also disgraced amongst our family."

I say, "That is why Ruby is acting so bad. Billy is changing her" I yell to get her attention, "Ruby!" Ruby, "Go away,we're busy." I say, "You are not too busy for this: Billy is an Angel of Darkness. He's been deceiving you."

She was shocked and Billy looked at Chyna, "Hello,Chyna" Chyna, "Hi,Billy" Ruby, "You know her?" Billy, "Chyna was one of my cousins. I see you haven't gotten your wings yet."

Chyna, "No,but I will. Even if I don't have you as my cousin anymore." I say, "Why don't you tell Ruby what you really are?" Ruby, "What are they talking about?" Billy, "Ruby, I wanted to wait and tell you until the time was right."

Billy, "I am not the kind of angel that you think I am,but that doesn't mean that I don't care for you. I could only care for you the way that a mother could care about her own child. I hope that you can still care for me."

All of a sudden,Billy changed form from himself to the Black Fairy herself. She smirks and Ruby says, "What happened to Billy?" Fiona, "Sasha told you already, you killed Billy a long time ago,being the wolf that you are. As for you,Sasha. I haunted you. This place,this realm is a trigger for you to venture to the Netherworld but am I sorry about that? Nope,not one single tiny little bit."

Fiona, "I made you have nightmares. I made you not sleep. I made you have hallucinations. Billy was never here. I was Billy. The only time he was real was when he was alive."

I say, "You have done nothing but all of the things that you have just said and you made Ruby act bad around you now get out of here!" Fiona, "Fine,but this won't be the last time you see me."

Fiona vanishes and Ruby starts to cry hysterically, "Ruby stop it! Can you see what she did to you? She influenced you. You are not yourself."

Chyna, "Why did she do that? To you all? Why didn't she just leave and not come back?" I say to her, "It's too late for that now,Chyna." Ruby stole money from a nearby cash register and she left.

I said, "I can't believe this. Where was Ruby's Guardian Angel? He was supposed to be protecting her" Chyna, "I don't know but I do know a way of how to find out."

It was a halo and we used it to find Ruby's Guardian Angel. Chyna borrowed it from a friend. Angels are invisible unless they want to be seen.

When I held it,a bright light was shone and I found Ruby's Guardian Angel,he was tied up when Chyna unrevealed him with the halo. I ask, "What happened,Bear? Who did this to you?"

Bear, "It was the Black Fairy but disguised as Billy,Chyna's cousin. As soon as I got here to look after Ruby,Billy came up behind me and well,you can see the rest."

I ask, "Well what does the Black Fairy want with Ruby? Why is she steering her to the bad side?" Bear, "I don't know. All I could get is this piece of paper I snatched from her before she left but it is confusing."

I read it, 'Fiona's Angel of Darkness To Do List:
One: Take Ruby to Angel Club
Two: Shampoo wings
Three: Get Ruby to steal the Moral Compass."

I ask Bear, "What part of this was confusing?" He was beyond words-literally.

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