~Our Arrival on Neverland~

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We all landed on sand but when me and Henry tried to make a break for it,both of the adults stopped us, "Whoa! Slow down there,pals. You've got nowhere to go."

Tamara smiles, "We did it. Mission accomplished" Henry, "Are you sure about that? 'Cuz our moms are coming to get us. All of them are." I thought it was nice of Henry to include my mother.

Greg, "You might want to take a look around,kids. Do you see any clock towers?" You are both a long way from Storybrooke" Henry, "It doesn't matter. Our families have been to the Enchanted Forest before and they can get here again."

We heard a wolf howling in the distance and Tamara made an observation, "Well,we're not in the Enchanted Forest. This is Neverland" she finished saying with a smirk.

Henry and I became disbelieved, "Neverland?" Henry, "You are here to destroy Neverland?" Tamara, "It's the motherload of magic" she continues to Greg, "Where's the communicator? We need to contact the Home Office."

He took a walkie-talkie out of his backpack and handed it to Tamara, "Here you go,T" me and Henry laugh obviously amused and I ask, "An office in the jungle?"

Henry, "I wonder who works there" Greg, "Who we work for is none of your concern,kids. Just know that they are take care of us." I ask them again, "Do they now?" Henry, "Can they tell you how to get back home after you destroy magic?"

Greg, "We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause" Tamara was trying to operate the communicator but was having no success, "Greg, I am not getting a status light on this thing."

He looks at her, "Did you check the batteries?" But when he opened the back part of it to check for batteries but only sand came out of it. Tamara, "What the hell is this? A toy?"

I smirk as well as Henry and say, "It's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions" Greg, "Let's go. Walk" he pushes me and Henry forward and we begin our walk into the dense green invested forest that laid before us.

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