~Too Small or Too Tall?~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: death indications.


Cora continued to talk to Will, "You must find Sasha,Will. Without the Jabberwocky,my sister's followers will surely rise against me. Ugly little sister. Why do they adore her and not me?"

Will, "I cannot fathom it. You are far superior in all ways" Cora, "I know but Mirana can make anyone fall in love with her and I mean,everyone,including the furniture."

Will, "Even the King?" They looked over the balcony and into the moat of all the fallen heads, "I had to do it. He would've left me." Will, "Majesty,is it better to not be feared than loved?"

Cora, "Not certain anymore. Oh,let her have all the rabble. I don't need them. I have you" She hugs him but he looked nauseated at the mere touch of her.

Sasha's POV:

I went to return the hat to the Jefferson and I saw that he had already made so many, "They're wonderful. You must let me try one on." It was good to see Jefferson smile, "It is good to be working at my trade again."

I did take a rather sad note, "It's just a pity you have to make them for her." He stopped and realized that I am right, "What is the Hatter with me? Hatter?"

He starts to go out of control but I stopped him by putting my hands on his face, "Hatter" he looks at me, "Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk? I'm frightened,Sasha. I don't like it in here. It's terribly crowded."

He asks me, "Have I gone mad?" I felt his forehead like my mother used to do for me when I was sick with a fever as a child, "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret: All the best people are."

He smiles as I placed the hat back on his head, "That's better. You look like yourself again" We then heard the yelling wrath of Cora, "Hat man! Where are my hats? I am not a patient monarch!"

He looks at me again, "I'm told that she keeps the Vorpal sword hidden in the castle. The rabbit will help you. Find it,Sasha. Take it to the White Queen." I insisted, "We'll go to the White Queen together."

Jefferson smiles, "Why is it you're always too small or too tall?" I smile at him again before I disappeared again into the hallway.

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