~Mom and Daughter~

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I was shocked beyond my own belief. My own biological mother,Evanora-the Wicked Witch of the East is right in front of me. She asks Regina while looking at me while pointing, "Is she my daughter?"

Emma steps in, "I don't know what is going on here. This is Sasha King. She was Dorothy in the fairytale world." Evanora, "How old are you?" I respond, "Sixteen. Why?"

Evanora, "When is your birthday?" I respond, "October 11" Evanora, "Year?" I answer, "2006. Now,what does this have to do with anything?" She rolls her eyes, "Forget I said anything."

I said, "Wait. It's as if I was someone to you. Who am I? Am I your Sasha?" She looks at me, "You know about my Sasha?" I say, "I am Sasha. I am your daughter."

She cries and Hook asks, "Why are you looking at her like that?" She says, "Like what? I'm not looking at her in a special way. I am looking at her the same way I would've for 16 years. Since the day I gave her up for adoption that day in the hospital."

She started to cry and get emotional, "Six pounds. Eleven ounces. She really is my little girl. Can I hug her?" They all backed away and me and her hug, "Oh,she is so beautiful and so big." I had to ask her, "I have to ask..." Mom, "Of course."

I ask her, "Why did you give me up for adoption when I was born? Did you not want me?" She hugs me again, "No,of course I wanted you. I wanted to keep you so badly but I couldn't..."

She continues, "I am not the best person in Oz and I have a reputation that proceeds me across the realms. I was not the best thing for you. I was not cut out to be a mother and I was never meant to be one."

Evanora, "I gave you up after Glinda helped me realize that. She helped me realize that I had to give you your best chance and that that chance could not be with me."

I ask, "So, you gave me to Glinda for her to raise me?" She smiles, "Yes because I knew with her that you would be cared for and I trusted her because she was truly a good sister before everything that happened between us,Zelena and Regina."

I ask her again, "Did I kill you when I landed that house on you when I went to Oz for the first time?" Evanora, "Yes. I forgive you. You didn't know and that had to happen for you to succeed."

I hug her again, "I love you,Mom" She smiles and hugs me back, "I love you too,Sasha. My own emerald city."

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