~Zero to Hero~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: The separation of body parts.

We landed in Thebes. Hercules, "Is this all one town?" Phil, "One town with a million troubles. The one and only Thebes. The Big Olive itself."

The way that Phil described Thebes reminded me of New York,with NYC being, 'The Big Apple.' Even looking at Thebes reminds me of New York.

Phil, "If you can make it here,you can make it anywhere" That saying is the same in either New York or LA. As we walked across the street,I said to Hercules, "Stay by me and Phil,kid. The city,especially this one,is a dangerous place."

Phil, "Just stare at the sidewalk. Don't make eye contact. The people here are nuts" I ask, "Why?" Phil, "Because they live in a city of turmoil. Trust me,kid. You are going to be just what the doctor ordered."

We found a group of people and that is when Hercules stepped up, "Excuse me. It seems that what you folks need is a hero." A man asks, "Yeah? And who are you?"

Hercules, "My name is Hercules and I happen to be a hero" All they did was laugh at Hercules, "He is just another chariot chaser" Phil, "Don't you pea brains get it? This kid is a genuine article!"

They all stopped, "Isn't that the goat man that trained Archilles" Phil got mad, "Watch it,pal!" The man, "Yeah,you're right. Nice job on those heels! You missed a spot!"

They laugh as Phil beat him up and I was able to pull Phil off of him. Woman, "Young man,we need a professional hero,not an amateur." Hercules felt pretty bad after that, "How am I supposed to prove myself a hero,if nobody will give me a chance?"

I hugged him, "You'll get your chance,Herc" Phil, "You just need some kind of catastrophe or disaster." It was like it was on cue that Meg showed up and asked for help.

Something about these boys that were playing in the gorge and after a terrible rockslide,they are now trapped underneath a giant bolder-like rock.

This was Hercules' chance as he lifted the rock and he freed the kids,but when he did that,he accidentally released a monster. This purple monster had a lock neck with four pairs of feet and big sharp teeth along with ugly orange eyes.

They called this monster, 'Hydra.' The monster swallowed Hercules and we all thought he was gone until Hercules cut his way out of his throat and we all thought that the Hydra was decapitated and dead.

The monster grew back to life but now he has multiple heads. Hercules punched a rock and the monster died after being crumbled to death by giant boulders.

Hercules defeated the Hydra but that was just the beginning of Hercules' fame.

The Greatest Hero of All TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang