~Saving Henry~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of the word "kill" and "death."

Previously on 'Once Upon A Time' -

Rumplestiltskin,scared of ending up just like his coward father, "Papa! No!" A young boy will lead you to your son" "What's going on?" (Seer) "The boy will be your undoing."

Killian, "Once you drink this water,you can never leave Neverland" (David) "It's a small price to pay for what I get in return" (Wendy) "What do you need him to believe in?" (Pan) "Me."


We actually did run into Rumple and Regina, "Well,if this is your version of a rescue party,we got here just in time" Emma, "What are you two doing here?"

Rumple, "Same as you except we might actually have a chance" he pulls out, "Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the box."

Neal, "You didn't tell me that my father was with her" Emma, "I didn't know" TB, "Wait,your father is the Dark One?" Neal, "Yes,and he is not getting anywhere near Henry" Rumple, "Bae..."

In that moment it took for me to get worried and Regina joined us again, "What are you talking about?" I say, "There's a prophecy that says Henry will be his undoing."

Neal, "He didn't come here to protect him. He came here to kill him" Regina, "That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back. Because you knew that he'd spill your secret."

Rumple, "Everything I did was to protect Henry,to rescue him from Pan" Emma, "It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore. You wanted to get to Henry first."

Charming, "To be on his own" Snow, "So no one could stop you" Regina, "So you can kill him" With Melinoe holding onto my hand,I say, "That's not going to happen. Not unless you go through all of us first."

Rumple, "You are making a mistake. I don't care if the boy is destined to be my undoing. I won't hurt him" Neal, "Because that sounds just like you." Rumple, "Without me,you will fail."

Rumple, "I am the most powerful among us" I roll my eyes, "That's why we can't trust you.  No offense." Rumple, "None taken. If I could give you my dagger, I would but I can't."

Neal, "You could give me Pandora's box. I don't have to trust you if I could stop you" Rumple, "Son..." Neal, "Look at me,if you so much as lift a finger to perform magic,you're going to spend an eternity in this box."

We arrived at Pan's perimeter campsite. Rumple agreed to help David with his dreamshade issue and thanks to Neal,there are no favors or any prices to pay in return.

Regina knocked out the two sentry lost boys guarding the camp and we busted in. Henry was nowhere to be found,just a bunch of lost boys and...Wendy Darling were all I could see.

Wendy and Neal knew each other a long time ago when Neal was but a child and when he traveled through a portal to London where the Darling family lived.

We tried to get Wendy to reveal the whereabouts of where Pan took Henry but all she said was, "No. I'm sorry" Rumple wasn't having it, "She's lying. Where is he?"

Neal, "Whoa. What the hell are you doing?" Rumple, "I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden." I say, "She knows where Henry is. Is that true?" Wendy, "You don't understand."

I ask her, "You're helping Pan?" Wendy, "He is keeping John and Michael alive but only if I do as he says" Rumple, "Trust me,whatever he has promised you. He will not go back on his word."

Wendy, "Why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?" Regina, "Because your brothers did" I add, "They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan."

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