~The Eye of the Bandersnatch~

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I got back to the shed and I opened the doors. It was immediately that the Bandersnatch and I made eye contact. I held his eye out to him and I let it roll to him.

He put his eye back in. I noticed a box. It was a long rectangular box with a lot of detail. This box held a lock. I tried to unlock it but it would not budge.

I became very worried as it rattled and it made the Bandersnatch growl at me. I untied the bind that held my bloody arm and I laid there,waiting to meet my upcoming fate.

I had to hold my tears back as I remembered that I was never going to see my family or my friends again. I was going to fail this mission and Henry.

Oh,Henry. He had no idea what awaited him. He is in terrible danger. He is my friend and he is going to die and it was going to be all my fault because I couldn't open the Vorpal sword box that was in the shed being guarded by the Bandersnatch.

~The next morning~

The bright sun rose that next morning. I woke up to be face to face with the Bandersnatch. I noticed that he has a key around his neck like a necklace.

It's the key that could unlock the box to the Vorpal sword. I tried to reach for it but he retracted as he began to lick my bloody arm, "I guess this makes us even now."

He let me take the key off his neck and I unlocked the box to reveal...the Vorpal sword. I escaped through the doors of the shed with the sword as the Bandersnatch laid on the ground once again.

I entered the room that held Mallymkun and Jefferson, "Stand back,Mallymkun. How is this for "muchness?" I asked him but he harshly disagreed, "No! No! It mustn't be used for anything!"

The doors open and I point the sword at who it was- Will and two Red Knight guards, "Arrest that girl for unlawful seduction!" Mally gasps, "Hatter!"

Jefferson stands up, "Take it to the White Queen!" I shout, "I'm not leaving without you!" Jefferson, "Go!" He begins a battle with Will after he took out the two Red Knight guards.

Mallymkun shouted, "Run,Sasha!" She covered her mouth and it seemed like time had stopped when my real identity had been released. Will looks at me, "Sasha?" Jefferson shouts, "Run!"

I run like Jefferson said but I heard Will shout behind me, "Seize her!" I ran out to the shed but the Red Knights surrounded me in a circle with their weapons pointed at me.

"Sasha" I point the sword at Will, "Of course. Why didn't I see it? Well,it has been a long time and you were such a little tyke then. Give me the sword."

A knight lunged at me and I say, "Stay back." Will, "The Queen will be so pleased. She will take great pleasure in taking off your head" the guards placed me under arrest but I struggled as the Bandersnatch roared and it appeared.

I was released and off I went on the Bandersnatch with the Vorpal sword in my hand. When we ran off the castle grounds,we saw Ruby and Bayard, "Oh,Sasha!"

I shout, "Bayard! Ruby! To Mamoreal!" They ran in front of us,Ruby still in her wolf form and me on the back of the Bandersnatch.

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