~Hercules meeting Megara~

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Hercules wanted to move onto bigger stuff and get off the island so it was agreed that we would go to Thebes. Hercules, "What's in Thebes?" Phil, "A lot of problems. It's a good place to start building a rep."

We were interrupted by a rather feminine scream. Phil, "Sounds like a case of DID: 'Damsel in Distress." We flew towards the danger thanks to Hercules and Pegasus.

When we landed on the ground,we noticed a lady dressed in purple and with tall brown hair. She was being chased by a monster like beast that was black and blue.

Long story short,Hercules defeated him and he saved the damsel. It was pretty obvious to me that Hercules was already attracted to the woman that he just saved.

Hercules, "Are you alright,Miss..." "Megara. My friends call me, "Meg" at least,they would if I had any friends." She flirted with him a bit before we rode away on Pegasus.

I mean,it could just be a crush but I know love when I see it. Hello! I know Snow White and Prince Charming! I miss them so much. I really want to get back to them. I hope that Henry isn't suffering at the hands of Pan.

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