~Hercules' Choice~

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Meg's spirit was returned to her body when we returned to Earth, "Wonderboy,why?" Hercules helped her stand, "People always do crazy things when they are in love."

Then we were all taken up to Mount Olympus by cloud where everyone including Ruby and the carpet were waiting for us, "Sasha! Thank god you are alright! I don't know what I would've said to your family if you didn't make it! You are like my little sister!"

Hera, "Hercules,we are so proud of you!" He and his mom shared a hug, "Mother!" Zeus, "Fine work,my boy! You've done it! You are a true hero!"

Hera, "You were willing to risk your life to rescue this young woman" Zeus, "For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength but by the size of his heart."

Zeus, "So,Sasha. We would like to reward you by looking after our son,your godson by gifting you with becoming a goddess." Hera, "Only half,though."

I ask, "I am beyond happy that I am bestowed with this but may I ask, why half?" Zeus, "You are still young and have many things to do. When it is your time,you will become a full goddess."

I nod and I stand by Hercules' parents, "Now,at last,Hercules,you can come home." The gates to Mount Olympus opened and it looked like Hercules was going to take that opportunity but when he saw Meg sad and walking away...

Hercules, "Mother,Father,Sasha,this is the moment I've always dreamed of but a life without Meg,even an immortal one would be empty. I wish to stay on Earth with her,I finally know where I belong."

We were shocked but Zeus restored his mortal life back to him before Hercules and Megara shared a kiss. Hera, "Sasha,you are welcome back here anytime."

Zeus, "You are still considered a goddess here so the gates will open for you." I smile and I saw that Phil got to kiss the real Aphrodite before we left and went back to Earth.

He and his adoptive parents hugged and Zeus even let me help him create a constellation of Hercules up in the stars. The man shouts, "That's Phil's boy!" We made Phil's dream come true.

I hugged them all and said, "Ruby,the carpet and I should be going." When the yellow brick road began again,it pointed down and I said, "Why would the yellow brick road go down?"

Ruby,the carpet and I fell into a trap,literally. Not only did it go downwards like a slide but we ended up in the Underworld. Well,the Underworld is the next realm.

When we went down the road slide to the Underworld, I sang, "I'm off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

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