~The Downfall of Hades~

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But it was then that I saw Hades try and sneak up behind Melinoe with a weapon. I saw that look in his eyes-he was possessed as well. I jumped up out of my bed,still in my hospital gown and I stood in front of Hades with Melinoe behind me.

I'm not going to let Hades do that to Melinoe. Not when I promised Persephone that I would look after their daughter. Persephone would've flipped out if she saw what I did just now.

But Hades is not perfect and that is for damn sure. I said, "No! Hades,you are not going to do that to Melinoe! No!" Hades is obviously dealing with some problems right now and he chose to take it out on Melinoe,who is his only child.

I continue, "I will not let you kill her. If you want to,you will have to go through me. And no,that is not an option. I love her like my own." I point at him and I say, "You don't want to mess with me right now. What I have been through and I know so much stuff and you know that too!"

The hero gang were shocked to see the scene before them. Hades, "Don't worry,it won't be long" When he revealed Robin's dead body with Regina being worried over him. Zelena, "Regina,what is going on here?"

Regina, "Hades. He did this" Hades, "He said that he was going to kill Zelena, I had to do it" Regina and I shout, "That's a lie!" Zelena, "Is it because I just found Emma and these..."

Zelena revealed the pages from Henry's storybook, "You wanted to kill him!" Regina, "I was trying to protect you,Zelena. He has been lying to you since the moment his heart started beating."

I add, "That part is true" Zelena looks to Hades, "Is it true? What are they saying? Did you trap them all including Sasha and Melinoe in the Underworld?"

Hades, "I did it so that I wouldn't have to hurt anybody but now,they are here and the only way to be safe is to use this power to create a new kingdom: Our kingdom!"

Zelena disagrees, "Why can't we just be happy together? Why do we need a kingdom?" Hades, "Zelena,this is about getting back at the families who never believed in us."

It is true that love is what can save Hades but Zelena believes that he is just using her. Hades, "Remember what I told you, 'There is no better revenge."

I struck Hades and he was separated from that Olympian crystal,which Zelena grabbed ahold of. I stood between Zelena and Hades while Melinoe stood by Regina for safety reasons.

Hades, "It's okay. Use it. Kill her" Regina had tears flowing from her eyes, "Zelena,I do believe in you. Me and Sasha defended you when no one else did."

Regina, "We want you to find love but sometimes,love finds us. Hades is trying to kill me." Hades, "No,she is lying." I said, "Robin died to protect Regina."

Regina, "That is what true love is. It's sacrifice. It is giving up everything for the person you love" I say, "But Hades won't give up a single thing for you."

Regina, "Like he said,he wants it all" Hades points to Regina, "See that,she doesn't want you to be happy. Look at this office. Look at this town. This all belonged to her and you had nothing,remember?"

Zelena, "OF COURSE I DO!" Hades, "All you have to do is kill her and you can have everything you ever wanted. Do it. If you won't, I will."

Zelena, "All I ever wanted was love. You told me that was enough for you. Now, I realize,none of you will be." Zelena shouts as she hands me the crystal. It glows and we nod at each other as Regina escapes with Melinoe and I plunge the crystal into Hades.

He disintegrated into dust and me and Zelena cried when Hades passed on. Regina and Zelena shared a hug. I didn't feel comfortable at that moment and I left with Melinoe to give the sisters some privacy.

Zelena was able to run away with baby Robin but I had to tell Melinoe the news, "I have to tell you something: Your father is dead. I had to kill him. He was going to hurt a lot of people if I didn't. It is already the hardest thing I ever had to do."

She hugs me, "I understand" She cried because I had to kill her father. I cried because he was like a father to me and now, I have lost another father figure.

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